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Muslim 911 march on Washington part 3



The Al Aqsa Mosque on the Temple Mount. Under a two state solution, a non-Muslim could not take this picture. Does Norah O'Donnell contest this?

The Quislings in Congress have turned a blind eye to the blatant infiltration, or should I say infestation of Muslim immigration. They are of the belief they and their families will be immune from any danger or destruction that awaits all Americans. Time is running out for Congress to act. And they must act swiftly. The survival of the United States must take precedence before political party or self-interest. The wheels of government operate, in many instances,  on blackmail and bribery.  The Obama administration, as with prior administrations have dirt to influence policy.

The United States is the last true vestige of freedom and hope in a dying and decaying world.  Regardless of the consequences, the time has come to put your country above self.  A badge of courage is in order and posterity is at stake.

It’s Time to Choose!

An all too common Muslim The Christian Bible tells us, in the Revelation to John the Apostle, that the first to be thrown into the lake of fire are the cowards. Wake up! Islam wants you and your family dead just for being an American, Christian, Jew, or atheist.  To them you are an infidel and, they’re waging war on you.  The longer we wait to defend our culture and our freedom, the bloodier will be the war.

If the United States continues on the course we’ve been taking it will be transformed into Islamic/Marxist totalitarian government.  It’s time for the progressive establishment (public office, judiciary, media and education) to exit their fantasy world.  Multiculturalism, will destroy America; face the truth. It’s time to restore our nation to the principles that made it great.

Muslims have been systematically replacing our laws and culture. This is evident by the judicial decisions of cowardly judges that fear Muslim intimidation.  Our schools have allowed Muslims special religious exemptions. Our government has allowed Muslims to establish training camps, to prepare and train to kill us.  Islam teaches that the only reason for life is to die in the name of Allah and to take as many non-believers with them as possible.
Words to the Wise
The legislature swore an oath to protect the Constitution; therefore Congress must immediately put forth legislation to override any presidential veto, or judicial ruling by fiat.  Sedition is a crime.

  • Immediately re-instate the “House Committee on Un-American Activities”.
  • Due to the current behavior of the followers of Islam all Muslims must be considered as persons of interest.
  • No new construction of Islamic Mosques and training camps must be allowed.
  • Immediately close all Muslim Schools, financially supported by Islamic States (Saudi-Arabia) as well as the Turkish Khomeini Gulen Schools that have become indoctrination centers which are creating homegrown terrorists.
  • The use the Quran as a teaching vehicle be banned until all violent and hateful scripture is removed.
  • All Muslim teaching institutions must be strictly monitored.
  • Deportation of all Imam’s or individuals in the Muslim communities that spew out hatred, whether publicly or on the internet (YouTube, etc.) that advocate violence toward Americans.
  • Deportation of all Muslim immigrants and their children residing here with expired visas.

Our Right to Arm Ourselves and The Growth of Islamic Terror

If our government and the feckless politicians fail to heed these warnings, as we know they will, the defense of our country may well fall into the purview of the American citizen.  Therefore, it would be wise to be suspicious of Obama who has proven over and over that he holds Muslims in higher regard than Americans, as he attempts to disarm private citizens.   Being well versed in Taqiyya, Allah approved lying, his bid to disarm us, in his words,  “If we can do just one thing to save lives”, should scare the hell out of all of us.

The right to bear arms is a bulwark against external invasion. As we speak, that external invasion has infested our towns, our villages and our community and is growing like a vile cancer which our government refuses to acknowledge.  Every American may soon need to defend his life, his family and his property.  If Obama is successful in disarming us, that effort at defense will be short lived.


We recently saw in the case of the terrorist attack on Mumbai that terrorist may enter a country covertly by ocean routes, landing in small craft and then assembling to wreak havoc.  That we have a lawfully armed populace adds a measure of security for all of us and makes less likely that a band of terrorists could make headway in an attack on any community before more professional forces arrived. Second, the right to bear arms is a protection against the possibility that even our own government could degenerate into tyranny, and though this may seem unlikely, this possibility should be guarded against with individual diligence.”

The Muslim War on Civilization is Not New

Quoting Winston Churchill, referring to Islam:

The most retrograde force in the world. These people are at war with the civilized world.

No American should desire to see the Islamization of the United States, or the implementation of Sharia Law.  Therefore, Islamophobia, that Progressive word that deigns to isolate and humiliate, is not something anyone who is paying attention should shy from.  Phobia means fear.  Fear is exactly what Islam teaches and implements.  Islamophobia, well defined and well earned.  But do not let Islamophobia give false promises to the terrorists.  Just because we fear them, does not mean we will not battle them. We will.

As Muslims descend on our Capitol this 9/11 hear not their Allah approved lies which have the objective of hiding who they are, what they are and what they plan.   Instead reflect on this passage from the Quran (9:29)

Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, even if they are of the People of the Book, (Christian and Jews) until they pay the Jizya with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued.

Listen not to what they say, but understand what they believe, and then watch what they do.


The Eagle

Reprinted from Tea Party Advocacy Tracking Hub

See Parts One and Two


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It always amazes me how the US right always scream about how much they love the Constitution and how Obama is tearing it up… and then come up with bizarre plans that not only tear up the constitution, but uses it to clean dog poop off the lawn and flushes it down the loo.

The post above ignores the Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eight and of course, the First Amendments.

The more I see the Tea Party talking about the Constitution, the more I become convinced that the only bit they actually know is the Second Amendment. Then again, I could say the same about many evangelicals and the Bible – they’ll happily claim Leviticus says homosexuality is bad, whilst ignoring the fact is also bans tattoos and says unruly children should be stoned to death….

Terry A. Hurlbut

The First Amendment cannot construe as to protect the “freedom” to “exercise” a political movement aimed at the overthrow of the rest of the Constitution, nor to protect the abridgment by adherents of said movement of others’ freedom of speech. And the First Amendment mentions the right to assemble peaceably.

And I don’t see any case based on the other Amendments you named. Amendments which, need I remind you, I’ve never seen you show any respect for. Where were you, for instance, when Edward J. Snowden showed positively that the Obama administration was violating the Fourth – wholesale?

I also note that Leviticus seems to be the the only book of the Bible you care to cite. I suggest a study of Romans. That will tell you the true place of the law in the lives of men.


ok, let’s break this down for you:
* Discrimination based on religion – First Amendment. You are not targeting people who break the law, you are targeting people based on their religion.

* no probably cause needed for “persons of interest” – Fourth Amendment violation

* Doing away with due process for Muslims – Fifth Amendment violation.

* Deportation without due process for being Muslim – Sixth & Seventh Amendment violations.

* Deportation for exercising First Amendment rights – Eighth Amendment violation.

Also, I’m not American, so why should I “show respect for them?” – even though it seems I know them better than you or Purpura does. Do you show respect for my Constitution? What does that have to do with the price of eggs? Why should I care if the NSA is spying on their citizens? What on earth did you think the Patriot Act allowed for? Where were YOU when that was signed into law. Oh yes, cheering it on.

Thanks for the reminder – I’ll remember to only quote Bible passages that don’t make you uncomfortable in future. (Nice dodging of the issue I raised though.)

Terry A. Hurlbut

I told you before: free exercise of religion does not extend to following religious commands to commit murder and/or treason.

The probable cause is the Quran itself with its Fighting Words, and the Abrogation Principle that keeps those Fighting Words in full force and effect.

The Constitution grants to Congress the full authority to make a law of naturalization. Permanent residency in any given country is not a right. It is a privilege that the natural born citizens of said country may, or may not, grant.

And if you’re not American, then by what right do you judge the means by which we Americans protect ourselves?


“following religious commands to commit murder and/or treason.”

Once again, your bigotry is showing. You are targeting an entire sector, based on the actions of a few individuals. I can just imagine your reaction if somebody said, “Some Christian shot and kileld an abortion doctor because he’s pro-life. Let’s round up all Christians and shoot them, because clearly they think the same way.”

“They don’t think or look like me” is not an excuse for throwing the law out of the window. You also ignored all the other Amendments that are being violated.

I’m not judging how you protect yourselves, I’m judging how you conveniently ignore the Constitution you claim to love. If the post had actually said anything about ‘we need to change the Constitution in order to allow a) b) c) to happen,” then that would be fine, but Purpura is clearly writing in ignorance – probably willful ignorance – of the Constitution he claims to love. That tells me it has everything to do with hating people different to you, and nothing to do with the law.

Terry A. Hurlbut

No, miss. Based on the literal written words of the Quran, and a history that goes clear back to the early years of the United States. To a dialog that an earlier Secretary of State had with the then Ambassador of Morocco. This SecState protested the actions of the Barbary Pirates. The Ambassador replied the pirates were doing their Quranic duty.

The name of that Secretary of State was Thomas Jefferson.

Later, as President, Thomas Jefferson sent a US naval task force to the region to “intervene.”

Fergus Mason

“Islam teaches that the only reason for life is to die in the name of Allah and to take as many non-believers with them as possible.”

WTF??! No it doesn’t!

I’m as anti-islam as the next man, but this sort of hysterical rubbish does your credibility no good at all.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Read the Quran and the Hadiths. You will find what we say you will find, in those documents. As Thomas Jefferson did, and that’s why he sent Commodore Preble after the Barbary Pirates.

Fergus Mason

“And if you’re not American, then by what right do you judge the means by which we Americans protect ourselves?”

The same right as you exercise when you judge the way we run our countries?

There are a lot of great things about the USA (which is my current location) but in general it’s pretty dysfunctional. Don’t get so hot under the collar when your friends and allies point out that your country isn’t perfect. You haven’t even mastered the trick – used by EVERY other civilised country – or labelling things with the price you’ll actually have to pay at the till. Even Belgium manages that.

Fergus Mason

“As Thomas Jefferson did, and that’s why he sent Commodore Preble after the Barbary Pirates.”

Really? I thought that was because they were attacking American ships.

I’ve read the Koran and (most) hadiths, by the way, just as I’ve read the bible and torah. They’re all amazingly similar.

Terry A. Hurlbut

Why do you think the Barbary Pirates were attacking American ships? To be more specific, did you ever hear how the Ambassador from Morocco justified their behavior to then-Secretary of State Jefferson? That Ambassador said the Barbary Pirates were doing no more than their Koranic duty when they attacked American ships and held their crews and passengers for ransom.


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