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January 6 Files

A new thread dedicated to the January 6 event contains documents, photos, and video showing that it was a false-flag pseudo-operation.

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The relaxation of anti-conservative moderation at Twitter has led many more users to try their hand at investigative journalism. One such user dropped a thread three nights ago with embedded video and links to several documents and repositories. All this documentary and video evidence relates to the January 6 event. If this evidence is authentic, then it shows what CNAV has long suspected: that January 6 was a false-flat pseudo-operation.

January 6 history

First, a definition. A false-flag pseudo-operation is an operation someone lays on to damage, or appear to damage, his own side, so he can blame the other side. The term does not connote an event that never occurred. But it does say the blame should lie elsewhere than with the obvious suspect(s).

On January 6, 2021, President Donald J. Trump organized a program for a rally on the National Mall. As many as 100,000 people – enough to organize ten infantry divisions, had they all been trained soldiers – attended that rally. Donald Trump was scheduled to speak at 11:00 a.m. But he was delayed and did not begin speaking until 11:40 a.m.

More to the point, Trump himself urged people, if they wanted to support him, to do so peacefully. He repeatedly asked his followers to refrain from violence. As most people know, about 200 people crossed a line they shouldn’t have crossed – though in fact someone had removed barriers and “Area Closed” signs that everyone would have respected. What happened in that building is a matter of active controversy. The next day, Trump condemned what he called “violence, lawlessness, and mayhem” that allegedly took place that day.

Here are eleven of his last several tweets, on an account he still hasn’t used, though Elon Musk reinstated it.


The thread

The user Dom Lucre, who also calls himself Breaker of Narratives, dropped a thread of twenty-six tweets. Herewith the even numbers:

Concerning the eleventh tweet (“If this looks like an insurrection to you,…”): Dom Lucre refers to the revolt of the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna, or JVP, in Sri Lanca from 1987-1989. Wikipedia describes it as a low-intensity conflict that nevertheless featured political assassinations and attacks on military and civilian targets. Dom Lucre makes the point that the January 6 event featured nothing on that level.

This thread features links to document drops and embedded photos and videos that tell a story contrary to official narrative. The information suggests that the January 6 event began when Capitol Police admitted members of Antifa. and/or “Black Lives Matter.” A total of 200 people crossed boundaries they shouldn’t have crossed. The FBI had hoped for a larger event – and when they didn’t get one, they proceeded to exaggerate.

Misprision of a felony that never was

And not only the FBI. The House Select Committee to Investigate the January 6 “Attacks” (their word, not ours) deliberately distorted President Trump’s words. Worse than that is this booby-prize example:

Trump actually vanished before his voters began walking towards the Capitol, he was “escorted” by his secret service because they claim there were reports that indicated he was in danger, the media continued to paint a false picture of Trump, but why?

Recall that a witness actually said that Trump tried to commandeer his own limousine. Which was impossible; no passenger, behind a partition, could ever interfere with the driver. In short, that witness committed perjury – and Committee members all but suborned it.


But more than that, the FBI, says Lucre, hid footage of the January 6 event. So Lucre presents footage – footage that shows not a hint of the out-of-control riot the FBI said happened. The question Dom Lure does not answer, is: who fired the tear gas on January 6?

Not all the footage is flattering, however. We see the man with the painted face, dressed in what looks like furs and a hunting trophy. Lucre says this man was not a provocateur. He even says that some footage appears to show Ashli Babbett striking the officer who then shot and killed her. If that’s true, that means the officer might be guilty of excessive use of force, but not first-degree murder.

Reaction to the January 6 thread

Reaction is overwhelmingly positive. Two users cited the example of Josef Goebbels to draw a parallel to the behavior of the FBI.

Some negative reaction did exist – though the negatives didn’t offer much by way of contrary evidence.

This user offered these two photographs to show why Americans question the reported results of the Election of 2020.


If 81 million people did vote for Joe Biden, where were they during the campaign?

Another user pointed out that the FBI didn’t stick by the insurrection narrative to characterize the January 6 event.


This thread brings us no closer to solving the riddle of the Election of 2020. That riddle is: if Joe Biden won the popular vote, 81 million to 75 million, why did so few people show up to his campaign events? Not only were those events very sparsely attended, but Biden staged many fewer of them. The thread also has the infamous “suitcase footage” from the State Farm Arena in Atlanta. An actual assistant registrar questioned the professionalism of the Atlanta Officers of Election. But sadly, at least one commentator, Erick-Woods Erickson, has actually explained that away. (Though perhaps he was too quick to accept official explanations – which that registrar, with her experience, did not.)

But this thread does go to show that the government tried to provoke people into reacting as violently as the JVP did in Sri Lanka in 1987. When this did not happen, the government, with seven House members to aid and abet them, tried to make the event much larger than it was. This thread tells how large – or how small – the event really was.

Did the FBI lay on a dramatic raid on Trump’s home in Florida, after the Second Impeachment failed? Can we now explain why Biden would make such a divisive speech with a frightening background? Perhaps. Certainly this evidence does not flatter the government. Furthermore, the same left that made lurid movies depicting American government as tyrannical, is now behaving exactly like the villains in those movies.

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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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