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Will America bow?



Does America need its own Elijah?

Will America bow? Before attempting to answer that question, there are two other questions that need to be considered:

  • What god do Americans worship?
  • What do Americans define as success?

Is America no longer noble?

America was once a noble nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. Her laws were based on the belief that our rights come from God and not from government. We have never been perfect, but there have always been Americans willing to die for God and country, as well as righteous causes. God had blessed us in spite of all our sins. Perhaps it was because we maintained that this was One Nation Under God, perhaps it was because our money stated In God We Trust, or perhaps our freedom to worship as we pleased allowed us to seek the truth and compare the errors of organized religion to the Holy Scriptures. I don’t know why God has chosen to bless us, but He has. Unfortunately, all of our many blessings seem to be fading before our eyes and we can only ask why, or perhaps how can we stop this?

America may have been a noble nation once upon a time, but today America is a confused nation: confused about what is right and what is wrong; confused about our Constitution, confused about where our rights come from; confused about how to live as a liberty-loving people; and confused about the difference between charity and covetous theft masquerading as social justice.

Pastor Chuck Baldwin, former Constitution Party presidential candidate, radio broadcaster, and syndicated columnist, recently published an article entitled “Why Pastors Won’t Take A Stand.” In the article he made several interesting observations, including what pastors define as success. The answer to the question posed above may be part of the problems we face in our churches, as discussed by Baldwin. And, unfortunately, the things our pastors define as success may often become the things we all worship.

A sad example: ancient Israel

Does America need its own Elijah?

Elijah, shown healing the widow’s son. Portrait: Louis Hersent.

However, America isn’t the first nation to experience a loss of identity. Back in the days of Elijah, King Ahab compromised the morals and values of ancient Israel by being tolerant. In Ahab’s case, tolerance was not a virtue; it was a fault, and it was a fault that was destroying Israel. He may have thought that he was more “cultured” than those who biblically defined faith, or he may have thought he was more sophisticated. Regardless, King Ahab, in his attempt to create trade relationships with Tyre, married the king’s daughter, Jezebel. Jezebel worshipped Baal, and Ahab saw no harm in her worshipping another god. He even went as far as establishing a center of worship for Baal and participated in their services. It is noteworthy to mention that Jezebel felt entitled to confiscate the property of others, such as Naboth’s Vineyard. Confiscation of the property that belongs to others for the common good, as well as misplaced tolerance are flaws in government that we can appreciate today. Thus the nation of Israel seemed to lose its moral compass and its identity – unfortunately those are two more flaws that we can appreciate in America today.

But God was still in control. He raised up Elijah to bring judgment upon Israel in order to call her to repentance and to challenge the authenticity of the priests of Baal. All through this Jezebel and her priests seemed to be in control of the nation, and those who should have been standing next to Elijah remained silent. After standing up to Jezebel and Ahab and winning a contest against the priests of Baal, Elijah fled into the wilderness – fearing for his life – thinking that he alone worshipped the one true God.

God did bring judgment upon Israel through the swords of Hazael, Jehu, and Elisha but He also did not destroy the nation. He did not destroy the nation because there was a remnant of 7,000 who did not bow down to Baal. (1 Kings 11:19:18)


False prophets in America today

Today many remain silent as men and women of God stand against the false prophets and abusive government extant in America. Worse – there are many pastors who refuse to acknowledge the moral and spiritual problems we are facing – for them it’s business as usual and they continually feed their congregations nothing more than bland milk. In many cases, they are paid well but do not serve well – at least they do not serve God well. They have become the worthless shepherds, whom God is displeased with (Zech. 11:15-17; Jer. 23:1-2). And I am sure that they will be held accountable on Judgment Day.

So, the question remains: will America bow? Will America succumb to the religion of tolerance and prosperity that blurs the moral codes and commandments of God? America will bow to whom she worships. If that be God and God alone, then a strong remnant will not bow to the false gods permeating America. If America worships prosperity or tolerance, then she will most likely bow to the imposters that parade themselves as shepherds but are worthless in the sight of God. Therefore, the real question is: will the citizens of this country stand up for our God and Creator or will they bow to a god of their own making? America will definitely bow, but to whom?


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RoseAnn Salanitri is a published author and Acquisition Editor for the New Jersey Family Policy Council. She is a community activist who has founded the Sussex County Tea Party in her home state and launched a recall movement against Senator Robert Menendez. RoseAnn is also the founder of Veritas Christian Academy, as well as co-founder of Creation Science Alive, and a national creation science speaker.

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Fergus Mason

“perhaps it was because our money stated In God We Trust,”

Hmm. As that’s been the case since the 1950s you could convincingly argue that BEFORE “In God We Trust” was on the money the USA was doing a lot better at being a great nation than it is now.

Fergus Mason

“You cannot, however, argue that the motto on the currency is the cause of America’s decline.”

Oh, absolutely not – even with a control correlation does not equal causation, and in any case that would be a silly thing to argue.

For what it’s worth I think the majority of US citizens are a lot wealthier and a lot happier than they were in the 1950s.


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