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Ex nihilo: out of nothing



Sound waves in the early universe, a key element in creation out of nothing

Since Einstein unsuccessfully spent the last 30 years of his life looking for it, Grand Unification Theory (GUTs) has remained the golden fleece of physics. GUTs requires that the small and large forces of physics must not conflicti. It is believed that resolving the conflict of these forces will most likely lie in understanding and developing string physics. As significant as the future discovery of GUTs or the development of string physics may be, it will only lead to another question: how did something come out of nothing? It is the understanding of how the organization of energy existing in a zero point vacuum (referred to as Zero-Point Energy or ZPE) ultimately transitions into matter and information that needs to be understood.


To begin, we need to embrace the idea that chaotic bursts of energy existed primevally in a ZPE – even in the absence of heat. These are referred to as quantum fluctuations.ii Richard P. Feynman’s takes this to the next step in his quantum electrodynamics theory, which gave rise to the concept that two particles can communicate and exchange information through the creation of a virtual particleiii. The developing sciences of vacuum physics, plasma physics, wave physics and quantum electrodynamics provides the basis for understanding what existed at the time of creation, including the communication of information. If God is who He says He is, it should be expected that these sciences will support the Creation account as set forth in Genesis.

Understanding that energy is contained within matter is not a foreign concept. Einstein understood that as well as most physicists today. To understand how energy transforms into matter, we need to move on to the understanding of the state wherein energy preceded matter in a ZPEiv. Next we need to proceed to understanding the catalyst that organized this primeval chaos first into kinetic energy, then into plasma, then into acoustical/radiation waves, and then into the cosmos and matter – all with the capability of storing information. Both modern day physics and the Creation account lay the groundwork for this understanding – with the Creation account actually giving us the sequence of the process, which evolving physics unwittingly confirm.

The basis of understanding this profound dilemma is a process that begins within the realm of quantum mechanics: more specifically, quantum fluctuations within a vacuumv. Simply, this understanding would bring us to the conclusion that chaotic bursts of energy preceded mattervi; then to the understanding of how energy is organized into waves and then into matter – or how something comes out of nothing. Consequently, understanding how something comes out of nothing will also lead us to understanding GUTS, but more importantly to a Theory of Everything (TOE)vii.

In order to understand the creation of matter or the organization of energy into into matter, as well as the unification of forces and the process of creating and recording information, there must be a basic understanding of vacuums, quantum fluctuations, plasma, sound and light waves, and particles.


The sequence of how waves are produced in plasma is enhanced by studying the meanings of the Hebrew words in Genesis. In the case of light (radiation waves)viii, there is an interaction between waves and particles that makes one indistinguishable from the other, forming what is referred to as a wave/particleix. This designation is made because light sometimes acts as a particle and sometimes acts as a wave. Again, this is not new news, but understanding it is critical to understanding unification. It is the one observable entity where matter in the form of a particle exists in a suspended state of a multi-dimension wave. It is the transitional link between nothing and something, as well as the transitional link between primordial chaos, organization, and information. And…it is the first thing God spoke into existence in Genesis but it is not the first thing God created. To those that study Genesis 1:2-3, that might seem like an anti-scriptural statement, but as this work develops we will see that this is an astoundingly profound statement that is supported both scripturally and through physics.

Whether or not you accept that God is the Creator and spoke light into existence or that physics acknowledges that light had to be the vehicle that expanded the universe (as Dr. Alan Guth argues in The Inflationary Universe), it should be appreciated as the transitional entity that allows for the merging of energy, through waves and into matter. But as shall be discussed, light is not the first thing God created, which is often overlooked by Creationists. Actually, God created kinetic energy, which He transformed into plasma, and then He spoke, which means He created acoustical waves. The problem of the propagation of soundwaves through a ZPE will be solved within this work as we discover that when God spoke, He spoke through the plasma that resulted from His shaking the primordial void in a way that satisfies the Genesis account and developing physics – all without stretching either.

If you don’t acknowledge that when God first hovered and then spoke that He provided the mechanism for the creation of acoustical waves that produced light, then you are faced with an additional question: how did quantum fluctuations organize into waves that are capable of recording and transmitting information and how did these waves produce light? And if you believe, as plasma physicists do, that plasma (water) exists throughout the entire cosmosx, then you also must be able to explain how plasma came into existence from a ZPE. For supporters of the two latter situations, the questions about unification and Ex-Nihilo present another problem. They are faced with also discovering the mechanism and the catalyst for this transition independent of an intelligent being or purposeful design. For the Creationist, these questions are answered in the person of God and the Creation account. It is also extraordinary that the answers to these questions were documented by Moses 3800 years ago, well before the questions were asked and well before modern physics provided enough information for us to even begin to ask the right questions, never mind understanding what was being said.

For both the Creationist and the Evolutionist, the search for these answers brings us back to the primordial realm where the energy in a ZPE first transforms into plasma and waves and develops information in the process. In my case, the Creation account is the standard which led me back to Genesis, Chapter One. The wealth of the physics contained in that chapter both startled and amazed me. Additionally, I will rely on Proverbs 30:5 that states: “Every word of God is tested.” (NASB) In studying the Book of Revelation I have also found this to be true and most enlightening; in this work, I have found this mindset to be essential. Every word in the Genesis account of Creation is important and has significant scientific meaning when studied and analyzed. I have made every effort to dissect and appropriately analyze each and every word, and have found that the Creation account has held the secrets to understanding the creation of the universe – not only from a spiritual point of view but even more profoundly from an impartial scientific point of view. It simply couldn’t have happened any other way.

It bears repeating: it’s been nearly 3800 years since Moses wrote Genesis, which means the answers to the most provocative questions in modern day physics have been there right before our very eyes – we just didn’t have the physics to understand them.


I’m certain that the statement that all these answers are provided for in Genesis, Chapter One will come as a surprise to many – even to those who have read Genesis ad nauseum. There are three reasons for this:

  1. We have read those verses without believing that they held the answers to the most provocative scientific questions imaginable;
  2. We simply did not have the science to understand what God was telling us; and
  3. We didn’t consider studying the original Hebrew words for the full meaning of the verses.

Amazingly, Chapter One of Genesis holds the key to understanding how God created something out of nothing. Much to the chagrin of many who will read this work, understanding Ex Nilo requires an intelligent force that exists outside of the space/time dimension we live within – a force that is capable of organizing energy into matter and is also capable of creating a mechanism for the recording, reproduction and the transmission of information, which also provides the basis for life.

While Evolutionists may argue that energy forming into matter does not require an intelligent force, they would be hard pressed to argue that the creation of information does not require an intelligent force or how life evolves from inanimate matter. When God hovered and then spoke, He created the kinetic energy necessary and the mechanism in the form of waves that enabled the recording and the transmission of information, as well as the wave vehicle that enabled the formation of radiation/light, charges, water, and the production of matter.

In this work, I will analyze the sequence of Creation, as stated in Genesis, beginning with Genesis 1:1. In so doing, I will apply the physical laws that substantiate the Creation account and answer the question this writing has been concentrating on: how did something come out of nothing.

This work will be following the logical sequence of events documented in the Genesis account, which begins with a topic sentence. The topic sentence is followed by a description of the state of existence prior to the creation and then proceeds to the sequence God employed as he created time, space and matter.



In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Many theologians interpret Genesis 1:1 in many of ways, and progressive creationists create still more ways. Grammatically, both the Hebrew style of writing that starts with a statement and attaches a string of additional statements to it, and the English styles of journalism writing that starts with a topic sentence would support the simple reading of this verse as being a sentence that explains what the rest of the writing will be about.

As clear as this verse may be from a grammatical point of view, it also suggests profound scientific principles that were first understood by Albert Einstein. Einstein understood that time cannot exist without space. He called this phenomenon the “space/time continuum.”xi Genesis 1:1, while grammatically establishing what will follow, also gives us the basis for the creation of time (the beginning), as well as matter (the earth), and the cosmos (the heavens). The Hebrew tells us that this is the first order of events in time, or the first step in the course of events. You may argue that this simple sentence is not to be interpreted scientifically; however, as this work progresses, the sheer volume of instances such as these will make it harder for you to sustain that argument.


The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the

face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over

the face of the waters.


There are several significant scientific things being established in this verse. I will break it down piece by piece, first with an explanation of the Hebrew meaning of the word and then the wealth of information brought to the understanding of what happened relying on the application of modern physics. In other words, first what the Hebrew says and second, the science that supports it.

The earth

The first word “earth” is interesting. If we assign the word the connotative meaning without researching the full breath of the Hebrew meaning, we would think of solid land composed of dirt and a variety of other materials, which has made this particular word an enigma to Creationists. Although the Hebrew word used in this verse can also include the usual meanings for the word “earth” that we would expect when used elsewhere, there is also another meaning. It is simply a designation that sets the earth apart from the heavens or the sky.xii In other words, another territory or entity being described by God that separates earth as a region or a field that is different than what will become the heavens or the sky. As NASA explores the cosmos looking for signs of life and environments similar to what we have here on earth, we are continually discovering how unique an environment the earth provides – even when compared to other planets.

The word used for heavens confirms this, since it is a plural designation – meaning that there were two heavens – as distinguished from the one earth. This duality can be interpreted to mean the earth’s atmosphere and what we call the cosmos. It can also be interpreted to mean the universe we observe or another dimension that exists outside of ours. It is logical to think this refers to the earth’s atmosphere and the cosmos because it is difficult to infer from the passage that we are being told about the creation of another dimension. It is not a stretch at all to say that the Scriptures speak of two distinct heavens as compared to one earth. Right now it is important to understand that there is a distinction made between the earth and the heavens.

Part Two, not included in this work, will discuss the separation of the waters from the waters that occurred on Day Two. To confirm that the earth is a separate entity, we will learn that there is a distinct difference between what will become the earth and the cosmos. It is also not a stretch to say that Moses was obedient when he recorded these words, as surely it must have seemed odd to him that God referred to the atmosphere and the cosmos as “the waters.” Again, this is astoundingly awesome when modern day physics are applied, which surprisingly confirm the use of the word “water(s)” both in verse 2 and in verses 6 and 7. As a prelude to the writings that deal with Day Two, it should also be noted that Day Two sets the basis for what will be labeled as the “Big Bang Theory” in modern physics.

Without form and void

Genesis goes on to use the words “without form” and “void” to describe the qualities of this designated area. The words “without form” do not describe a mass of a continually morphing or undistinguishable structure lacking any physical shape, as one would imagine a bubble that is floating through the air, changing shape as it glides along. The Hebrew word tohuw also denotes a primeval state of confusion and emptiness.


The Hebrew word for “void” is bohuw, which simply means empty or a vacuity. Scientifically, this equates to what we describe as a vacuum. Again, Moses must have been puzzled by the oddity of using these two words in harmony. What is being said is that there was an empty, formless vacuum that contained confusion (chaos) that was in constant movement (the Hebrew that denotes “constant movement” will be discussed shortly). Before experiments were made in vacuum physics, saying that a vacuum that contained nothing, contained chaos that was in constant movement can be more than the unenlightened mind can conceive. However, that is exactly what vacuum physics has discovered and it is exactly what the Scripture says.

When we try to understand such things today we have the benefit of vacuum experiments, which Moses wasn’t privy to 3800 years ago. These experiments have revealed that true voids (as would have existed primordially) do not exist as we previously thought but contain unstable amounts of high-energy fieldsxiii known as quantum fluctuations. Apparently even “nothing” contains something: chaotic bursts of energy or to put in the Hebrew terms: an empty state of confusion and chaos that is in constant movement. We may understand that atoms are composed of energy charges that form the nucleus of the atom and the electrons within their orbital configurations, but we don’t understand how quantum fluctuations turned into kinetic energy, which turned into acoustical and radiation waves, and which ultimately turned into the elements we observe today. This day of Creation in Genesis actually helps us to understand exactly how this happens, which is supported by recent discoveries in both vacuum physics and plasma physics.xiv

In verse 2, God is telling us that what would become the earth started as a formless void with unique and unexpected characteristics. Once again, modern day physics helps us to understand this better and modern day physics would also reach a higher level of understanding if it understood and acknowledged the Creation sequence, enhanced by the Hebrew translation of the words.

To recap: physics tells us that ZPE vacuums contain quantum fluctuations. Over simplified, quantum fluctuations are chaotic bursts of unorganized energy. Moses tells us the same thing in the Creation account but he goes further in stating that the chaos was also in a constant state of movement. Here we have the merging of Moses’ Hebrew with modern day physics, and together they help us to understand what existed prior to the creation of the heavens and the earth.

While modern day physics doesn’t tell us what existed before the Big Bang, it does assume that there was some kind of vacuum with a small dense piece of matter of some kind. The Bible also tells us that a void (vacuum=nothing) existed at the beginning (before time and space were created). Physics also tells us that vacuums contain chaotic bursts of energy – or nothing with confusion. The Bible tells us that as well and goes a step further by stating that this was the condition before God intervened and created the universe we observe today. As we proceed, we will also learn that the Hebrew words tell us that this primordial state was in constant movement. And we will learn that this overlooked aspect of the Genesis verse is extremely important scientifically.


Darkness was on the face of the deep

Verse 2 goes on to say, “and darkness was on the face of the deep.” This was the primordial state before God intervened, or if you are an Evolutionist, this is the state that would have existed prior to the Big Bang. It should be noted that the Big Bang, which really is a misnomers since the theory is about expansion and not explosion, occurs on Day Two and will be discussed subsequently in another work – God willing.

At this point, time and space did not exist – and neither did light. The word “face” is used to refer to the edge of the void. It should also be noted that in this instance, the verse is saying that darkness surrounded the void, which means that the quantum fluctuations that exist within a Zero Point Energy system – or a vacuum – did not extend beyond the vacuum or the void. It also tells us that the void had an edge or was a confined environment. Once again, there is total harmony with the Creation account and the Big Bang Theory that stipulates that all the universe once existed in an extremely compact state before expansion.

That is also significant from a physics standpoint when we consider light. We can easily understand that light requires a wave in order for it to be a wave/particle. At this point, water didn’t exist yet, God hadn’t spoken, and acoustical (sound) and radiation waves (light) had not been created. In this sense, the biblical account goes beyond the Big Bang theory in that it is describing a time prior to the existence of matter and what existed outside of the vacuum. Remember, the Big Bang assumes a small dense piece of matter – although it has no explanation about the form of the matter, how it came into being, or what caused it to expand. This makes the Creation account scientifically more advanced and complete.

As if all this isn’t enough, the meaning of the word “deep” supports the science we have come to understand. In Hebrew it means something that is in a continuous state of movement. The importance of this being in a continuous state of movement will be developed further as we proceed. It also implies that this void contained potential energy in the form of quantum fluctuations. Again, it is worth repeating: had Moses not been obedient to the Word of God and written as he was inspired by the Holy Spirit, it is highly unlikely that he would have written these words that seemed to be counterintuitive. He wrote that before there was time and space, there was a dark vacuum that contained nothing, but this nothing contained a region of chaos that was constantly moving. Today it makes sense. There couldn’t have been any light because there weren’t any waves, only quantum fluctuations that were chaotic bursts of continually moving energy – just as Moses wrote! Coincidence?

And the Spirit of God was hovering on the face of the waters

Here’s where things really get interesting. What happens next is jaw-dropping. Scripture tells us: “And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters.” God provides the mechanism through his Spirit that acts as a catalyst, providing movement that changes the vacuum. Theories in quantum electrodynamics postulate that elementary particles interact with ZPEs, resulting in polarizationxv. This can be easy to miss if one relies solely on a simple reading of the Scripture without researching the Hebrew meaning. The Hebrew word implies much more than a gentle vibrating motion. It implies that God shook the waters very energetically and caused them to tremble. This is also the first reference to “waters.” The scientific connection between the shaking and subsequent creation of heat within a vacuum resulting in the presence of plasma (waters) has only recently been established through experiments at CERN. These experiments led to the announcement of the discovery of the long sought after Higgs Boson, commonly referred to as the “God particle” because it was acknowledged that this enabled matter to be turned into massxvi. (It should be noted here that the term “God particle” was edited. The original term was “God damn particle”.)


The introduction of this shaking of the vacuum containing quantum fluctuations, created an intense amount of kinetic energy. Here we have a classic example as to how God provides the mechanism that brings something out of nothing. Evolutionists do not have an explanation or any idea of what that mechanism was or where it came from. Traditionally, they refer to the transition from nothing into something as a Big Bang, based on the expansion of the universe that can be observed, but as previously stated, there isn’t any attempt to explain the matter that their theory needs to be plausible or the mechanism that began the expansion. Their theory requires that a dense piece of matter existed primordially and then something happened to cause it to expand. In the not to0 distant past, they believed that this matter existed with monopoles, but since the search for monopoles led science to believe that monopoles do not exist, plasma physics then provided the explanation. Their explanation was that the original primordial matter was plasma – or a form of pure water.

It is necessary to state clearly at this point that there are many things about the Big Bang theory that are correct and scientifically supportable – such as the expansion of the universe. However, the areas that are supportable scientifically also just happen to be supportable Scripturally. Another coincidence?

The waters

The word “waters” has been overlooked by Creationists who seem a bit puzzled by its existence, but it is another astounding coincidence. The popular point of view regarding “the waters” is that they were there at the time of creation, since we are not told that God created the waters. Or are we? In a sense, this point of view is nearly as troubling for Creationists as the unexplained matter is for Big Bang theorists. Genesis clearly states that “at the beginning” God created, meaning that before anything existed, God created, and “anything” would include water. As it turns out, plasma physics may hold the explanation regarding the water being referred to in this versexvii.

In physics, plasma is acknowledged as a liquid and it is often thought of as the fourth state of water. Its distinguishing feature is that its properties are the result of interactions between charged particles – or virtual particles, which can be the results of the transfer of energy from waves to particles. It should be noted here that if the ZPE is in equilibrium, the transfer of energy will not occur. Of course the first condition for system self-organization requires that the nucleus ZPE be driven off thermodynamic equilibrium by abrupt motion. Once again, this is explained by God’s hovering. Some have even gone as far as suggesting in their theories that some type of energy flux needs to intersect from a higher dimensional superspacexviii in order to drive the nucleus-ZPE off equilibrium.

Experiments in plasma physics have yielded more than interesting results. Heating water through thermal motion well beyond the boiling point where it turns to gas creates a state where the atomic bonds are broken and result in negatively and positively charged electrons forming a fully ionized gas. At high enough temperatures the gas that was once water becomes completely ionized plasma. Plasma behaves as a formless fluid that is electrically activexix. There are many types of plasmas, which will be discussed in Part Two in the verses that talk about God separating the waters from the waters. Suffice it to say at this point, that physics now believes that the entire cosmos (space) exists as a form of plasma – translation: water. Once again, this is another situation where modern science is catching up with Genesis.


If you reverse the process and think of the state of the pre-creation universe, the state of the vacuum would have been the same as the state in a ZPE prior to the existence of plasma. This is not a stretch, since in deterministic physics, all processes can proceed backward as well as forward through time. This approach was utilized in formulating the Big Bang Theory, in which the expansion of the universe was observed and then run backward in time to the point where the expansion began.

In the primeval state there were chaotic bursts of energy. In plasma/ZPE experiments, this state can be created in reverse as done at CERN, by forcing elements to collide within a vacuum. (It should be noted that this work proposes that the collision within the primordial void was achieved through the shaking – or as described in Genesis – the “hovering” over the void by the Spirit of God).

The objective of the collisions at CERN is to break the gluons that keep the quarks together – in other words, blasting the element apart right down to its building blocks. When this happens, the elements no longer exist but the quarks and gluons emerge and form a liquid state, known as a quark/gluon plasma.In this high temperature state the plasma behaves as a fluid and not a gas, as one might expect.

The primeval vacuum poses a problem for thermodynamics that states that systems go from an organized state and evolve toward random behaviorxx. However, at the time of the creation, things went the opposite way: from a chaotic or random state to an organized state. This is not natural and requires interference of some kind, which is unexplainable for the Evolutionist.

In 1977, Ilya Prigogine won the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for defining how systems can go from randomness to coherence – or organization.xxi He discovered that the importation and dissipation of energy into a chemical system could violate the second law of thermodynamics and result in organization. This led to research into something referred to as self-organizing systems. It tries to get around the issue of organization by arguing that real energy was already present and therefore conservation would not be an issue. While conservation of energy is not an issue, either in the Big Bang or Creation model, the organization of energy from chaos to coherence lingers on for the Evolutionist but not for the Creationist, who should believe that the importation of energy into a system could violate the second law of thermodynamics – as Prigogine predicted. In this case, the importation of energy would have occurred when God hovered over the vacuum. And if the Big Bang is relevant, than it must be conceded that at one point organization replaced chaos – not only at the time of the initial expansion but also at the time when Evolutionists believe that gravity pulled matter into clumping (accretion) and formed celestial bodies. The clumping of matter into celestial bodies is also in defiance of the Second Law of Thermodynamics; however, Evolutionists employ the force of gravity at this point. But once again, the sudden existence of the force of gravity remains an enigma – even though it was thought to have been understood. Although Newton’s and Einstein’s theories about gravity are considered to be the standards, evolving physics realizes that there must be a problem with our current understanding, since it is widely believed that gravity seems to be the force that prohibits unification. This is a bit of a conundrum for those who defend Uniformity – especially since gravity resulting from clumps of dust accreting into a body of any kind has not been observed – nor has gravity (without a catalyst) been observed as a mechanism enabling accretion. No matter how you slice it, attributing gravity as the mechanism that formed celestial bodies out of cosmic dust is somewhat of a stretch.


At the time God was hovering over the vacuum, He also added an immense amount of heat and pressure into the void. Again, He did as Prigogine had argued. He added energy into the system. It is also important to note that verse 2 specifically states that God was hovering over the face of the waters. The word “face” makes it clear that God was on the outside of the void. This is important when considering that He added pressure. Had He not been outside of the void, He could not have applied pressure. The addition of pressure is important because physics has discovered that the application of pressure can absorb kinetic energy and convert it into density and pressure waves – both of which are critical for the soundwaves God uses to create light and subsequently, matter.

Pressure waves also provide an environment within a ZPE that can further develop into a show of strong oscillatory patterns called baryonic acoustic oscillations, in other words – sound waves. The development of an environment that accommodates the existence of pressure waves is essential for the eventual production of sound waves and radiation waves (light) – a development that is acknowledged in the next verse. Without the existence of plasma, the propagation and transmittal of soundwaves would not have been possible, since sound cannot travel through vacuums.

It is truly astounding that every word in verse 2 has significant scientific meaning. Even an advanced physicist, proficient in all the branches of physics, would have a hard time constructing one sentence to describe the entirety of the pre-creation universe along with the applied physics that would eventually bring something out of nothing.

To recap: aside from the topic sentence, the Genesis account tells us what existed primevally regarding the void (vacuum). Then we are also told about the initial actions (perturbations) that God employed when He hovered, which resulted in water (plasma), and then spoke (acoustical waves) and created light, the cosmos, and eventually matter.

Let there be light



Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light.

This verse is also scientifically profound and yet astonishingly simple. It begs the question: what came first? Sound waves or radiation waves? We know that waves transfer energy from one place to another.xxii Sound waves do this as well as radiation waves. The primary difference between the two is that light is polarized and travels transversely, and in most cases sound is not polarized and travels longitudinally.xxiii Genesis 1:3 tells us that God spoke light into existence. He spoke into a highly excited field of chaotic energy that He had vibrated, which created a state of kinetic energy and pressure waves that produced the plasma that Moses called water. The plasma is important because without its presence, science will argue that the observable laws of physics do not allow sound waves to propagate through a vacuum – or a void. But physics also tells us that sound waves do propagate through plasma. And it is important to understand that sound and light exist in the form of waves with similar and different characteristics.

In an article published by New Scientist in June of 2004, entitled Universe started with hiss, not bang authored by David L. Chandler about the claims of cosmologist Mark Whittle, Chandler states:

Cosmologists do not usually think in terms of sound, but this aural picture is a good way to think about the Universe’s beginnings, says astronomer Mark Whittle of the University of Virginia in Charlottesville. Whittle has reconstructed the cosmic cacophony from data teased out over the past couple of years from the high-resolution mapping by NASA’s WMAP spacecraft of the cosmic microwave background radiation, the afterglow of the hot early Universe.

The variations in the cosmic background radiation expose the relative clumpiness of the early cosmos at a variety of different scales. These density variations began as quantum fluctuations in the moments after the big bang, and then propagated out as sonic waves. The denser regions became the seeds of galaxies and stars, which is why astronomers are so interested in them.

While at this point, Whittle’s theory is not considered to be the standard in Cosmogony, it is a partial confirmation of the Creation Account sequence in Genesis. It errs in placing the Big Bang before the quantum fluctuations and the propagation of sonic (sound) waves but it does recognize the importance of soundwaves in the early universe and acknowledges their existence.

However, Whittle is not the first to recognize that sound waves played an important role in the early universe. NASA also came to this conclusion. Below is NASA’s map of the sound wave that propagated through the early universe. Note that NASA also acknowledges that the peaks indicate that harmonics were present. This will become important as we move forward.


Sound waves in the early universe, a key element in creation out of nothing

In the act of speaking, God first sent acoustical waves through the primordial plasma field, and the waves provided the environment that organized some of the energy into light, which developed polarization and would enable the formation of charges and eventually matter. This is the point of transition. It is where a wave propagates through a field of highly excited energy, and in the process, some of the energy is polarized by the current of the wave and particles come into existence. Normally sound waves are longitudinal waves that do not exhibit polarization but these waves were highly pressurized and did not exist in an equalized medium. Additionally, we know that at the surfaces of liquids, vibration (or sound waves) can also travel as transverse waves, where the compression is at right angles to the direction of motion. Remember, God hovered over the “face” of the waters, indicating there was a surface to the void. Science also tells us that sound waves are generated by a sound source that created vibrations that propagate away from the source in the form of a wave.

The Genesis account tells us that there was intense vibration at the time God spoke. In other words, He (the source) created sound waves that propagated through intensely vibrating plasma away from Him (the source), which most likely oscillated the sound waves, since the plasma did not have constant physical properties at this point in time. This type of environment is capable of producing the type of sound wave that emits light and is polarized, discussed below. The NASA map above clearly states that the sound waves produced primordially were harmonic in nature. This is also evidence that the waves were capable of traveling transversely – or at different angles. In transverse waves, mixed tones can be produced in the form of harmonics. It should also be noted that the amplitude of the sound also affects the creation of harmonicsxxiv.

Modern experiments have shown that propagating sound waves through a liquid emits light in what is called sonar luminescence or sono luminescencexxv. As the sound waves travel through an unstable liquid – such as highly ionized plasma – extremely hot bubbles form that burst and emit light. This happens as the waves excite the energy by ultrasonic irradiation, which form multiple bubbles that emit bright flashes of light when they collapse. These bubbles are so hot that they can literally melt steel. It should also be noted that the mechanical qualities of these primordial sound waves created current through the plasma, which gave way to electromagnetism. This characteristic enabled the extant chaos to be organized through polarization, first as light and later as matter.

Summary: creation out of nothing

Genesis 1:3 is not the creation of matter, but it is the first explanation for the creation of turning a virtual particle into a particle that is dispersed throughout the light cone (an interesting phenomenon and worthy of study).

At this point we have a sequence: first there was a void; then God hovered over the void and created kinetic energy, through which He brought water/plasma (all of which can be verified through modern experiments); after which He spoke into the plasma, which sent mechanical acoustical (oscillating) waves through the environment capable of producing radiation and electromagnetic waves. These waves propagated through the plasma in a recognized phenomenon known as sono luminescence, which came into being the first time when He spoke light into existence. God then stretched the light and in so doing, created time and space as well as information.


It is also the point in time when God created dimension when He twisted the waves as He stretched out the creation on Day 2, a crucial point that is overlooked. The stretching that is clearly documented in Genesis, as well as 17 other verses throughout the Bible, is observable today and the basis for the Big Bang Theory and is not discussed in this work but will be discussed in subsequent works. What is not understood is the phenomenon that resulted as a result of the creation being stretched, such as time dilation, Doppler shifts, and the nonlocality of light.

This newly created environment was the beginning of providing the plasma, the waves and the mechanisms whereby the polarized energy was organized into charges and then into matter, and which also allowed for the recording of information. Thus, it is how God brought something out of nothing.

Hence, the scientific search for origins leads directly back to God. If you don’t believe in God, you are faced with a scientific dilemma. You must be able to propose a mechanism for changing quantum fluctuations into kinetic energy; and then into plasma; and then into waves without a source; and then into light; and then create the ability of these waves to create and record information without an intelligent force; and then into the matter we observe today. It is no surprise that NASA has documented a soundwave that propagated at the beginning of the universe. And, of course in order to explain how something came out of nothing without God, you must be able to propose a mechanism for the popular Big Bang, or sudden expansion of the singularity. All these questions can be answered and unusual phenomenas can be understood when looking through the lens of Scripture. Like it or not, the sequence and all the sciences needed to bring the universe into being as we observe it today is detailed in the first few verses of Genesis.


i Hawking, Stephen. Black Holes and Baby Universes and Other Essays.Bantam Book 1994. Grand Unification Theories described, pp. 49-53.


ii R. Podolny, “Something Called Nothing” (Mir Publ., Moscow,1986). Richard Morris: “In modern physics, there is no such thing as “nothing.” Even in a perfect vacuum, pairs of virtual particles are constantly being created and destroyed. The existence of these particles is no mathematical fiction. Though they cannot be directly observed, the effects they create are quite real. The assumption that they exist leads to predictions that have been confirmed by experiment to a high degree of accuracy.” (Morris 1990: 25).



v’s, Article: Confirmed: Matter is merely vacuum fluctuations 20 November 2008 by Stephen Battersby.

vi – vacuum fluctuation – A spontaneous, short-lived fluctuation in the energy level of a vacuum, as described by quantum field theory. Although these variations are violations of the law of conservation of energy, they are tolerated in quantum mechanics by virtue of the uncertainty principle. Such fluctuations are associated with virtual particles. Morris, Richard 1990. The Edges of Science. Prentice Hall Press. Vacuum Physics and Quantum Field Theories, pp. 8, 25, 184; quantum mechanics, pp.19. An investigation into and a report on vacuum physics and quantum mechanics.


vii Greene, Brian, A Theory of Everything?

viii, Light: Particle or a Wave? by Kenneth R. Spring – Scientific Consultant, Lusby, Maryland, 20657 and Matthew J. Parry-Hill, Robert T. Sutter, and Michael W. Davidson – National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, 1800 East Paul Dirac Dr., The Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida, 32310.

xii Unless otherwise quoted, The Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon and Strong’s Comprehensive Concordance of the Bible are used. Additionally, consultations with Hebrew scholar Pam Elder have been relied on as well and contributed to this work with great insight.

xiii Morris, Richard 1990. The Edges of Science. Prentice Hall Press. Vacuum Physics and Quantum Field Theories, pp. 8, 25, 184; quantum mechanics, pp.19. An investigation into and a report on vacuum physics and quantum mechanics.

xv J. Reinhardt, B. Muller, W. Greiner, Quantum Electrodynamics of Strong Fields in Heavy Ion Collisions.” Prog. Part. And Nucl. Phys. 4, 503 (1980).

xvii P.A. Dirac, Roy, Soc. Proc. 126, 360 (1930), Also G. Gamow, Thirty Years that Shook Physics, Doubleday, NJ, 1966.

xviii S.W. Hawking, Wormholes in Spacetime Phys. Rev. D 37(4), 904-910 (1988) D.H. Freedman, Maker of Worlds, Discover 11(7), 46-52 (July 1990)

xix Fundamentals of Plasma Physics by James D. Callen, University of Wisconsin, Madison June 28, 2006 page v

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RoseAnn Salanitri is a published author and Acquisition Editor for the New Jersey Family Policy Council. She is a community activist who has founded the Sussex County Tea Party in her home state and launched a recall movement against Senator Robert Menendez. RoseAnn is also the founder of Veritas Christian Academy, as well as co-founder of Creation Science Alive, and a national creation science speaker.

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[…] Reprinted from Conservative News and Views […]

[…] Ex nihilo: out of nothing […]


Quote: “Since Einstein unsuccessfully spent the last 30 years of his life looking for it, Grand Unification Theory (GUTs) has remained the golden fleece of physics. GUTs requires that the small and large forces of physics must not conflict. It is believed that resolving the conflict of these forces will most likely lie in understanding and developing string physics. It is believed that resolving the conflict of these forces will most likely lie in understanding and developing string physics. As significant as the future discovery of GUTs or the development of string physics may be, it will only lead to another question: how did something come out of nothing? It is the understanding of how the organization of energy existing in a zero point vacuum (referred to as Zero-Point Energy or ZPE) ultimately transitions into matter and information that needs to be understood.”

Dear colleagues! I want to remind you that the GUTs problem has already been solved in the theory of Superunification:

1. Leonov V. S. Quantum Energetics. Volume 1. Theory of Superunification. Cambridge International Science Publishing, 2010, 745 pages. link to

2. V.S. Leonov. Quantum Energetics: Theory of Superunification. Viva Books, India, 2011, 732 pages. link to
Theory of Superunification

Higgs Boson: So What?
link to

Theory of Superunification
link to
Fundamental discoveries of the quantum of space-time (quanton) and superstrong electromagnetic interaction
link to
Electromagnetic nature and structure of cosmic vacuum
link to
Unification of electromagnetism and gravitation. Antigravitation
link to
The quantised structure of the electron and the positron. The neutrino
link to
Quantised structure of nucleons. The nature of nuclear forces
link to
Two-rotor structure of the photon. Photon gyroscopic effect
link to
Nature of non-radiation and radiation of the orbital electron
link to
Thermal photons. Molecule recoil in photon emission
link to
Gravitational waves. Wave equations
link to
Superstrong electromagnetic interaction and prospects for the development of quantum energetics in the 21st century
link to
Theory of Superunification. Einstein vs Higgs: or what is a mass?
link to
And there are many other posts.

New knowledge should be learned to get closer to God.
Best regards,
Vladimir Leonov


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