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Michigan clerks ask lawmakers for early voting, other changes ahead of 2022 election



Michigan clerks have asked lawmakers in an open letter to set aside partisanship and pass election law changes that would create an early voting option, boost funding for election officials and ensure election results are reported in a timely manner. 

“As we face another major election year with insufficient funding, continued high volume of absentee voting, and increased scrutiny due to the 2020 cycle, we need our leadership to focus on problem-solving rather than political wins and losses,” reads the letter from leaders of Michigan’s county and municipal clerks associations.

“Now is the time for state leaders in the executive and legislative branches to set aside their agendas and come together to consider reasonable improvements that will benefit our voters.”

The letter from Delta Township Clerk Mary Clark, who serves as president of the Michigan Association of Municipal Clerks, and Marc Kleiman, Menominee County Clerk and Michigan Association of County Clerks president, wrote that the 2020 election left voters divided, highlighting the need for change. 

“There is no doubt that Americans are divided over the past election; but improvements that lead to better run elections have the power to lessen the tensions of mistrust and unite us in a common goal of accessible and secure elections.” 


Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, applauded Michigan’s clerks for laying out their agenda.

“I’m so proud of Michigan’s hardworking local election clerks for taking a stand, demanding investment in our elections, and calling for fact-based, data-driven policymaking,” Benson said in a statement. “It’s time for Michigan’s legislative leaders to stop acting on misinformation, listen to the experts, and strengthen our elections.”

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