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Waste of the Day: Biden’s ObamaCare Expansions Could Cost Another $383 Billion

Biden’s ObamaCare expansions could cost another $383 billion that the country can scarcely afford at a time of record debt.



Barack Obama in library

Topline: President Joseph Biden’s recent decision to offer ObamaCare to some “Dreamers” will increase the federal deficit by an estimated $7 billion in the next 10 years, according to new analysis from the Congressional Budget Office.

Expanding ObamaCare beyond rational estimate

Other proposed changes to ObamaCare could cost the federal government another $383 billion over 10 years, if enacted.

Key facts: Biden announced in May that Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) recipients — people who immigrated to the U.S. illegally as minors before June 2007 — can now get benefits from the Affordable Care Act, changing the Obama administration’s policy. The White House says this will help 100,000 people get health insurance.

That’s just a small part of the changes to the Affordable Care Act in the last few years.

Waste of the Day Biden’s ObamaCare Expansions Could Cost Another $383 Billion
Waste of the Day 7.26.24 by Open the Books

In 2021, Biden’s pandemic stimulus package offered ObamaCare to more people than ever and gave existing consumers extra financial assistance.

The increased spending was supposed to end in one year, but Biden extended it to 2025. The president’s latest budget request to Congress calls for the expansion to be made permanent.


That would give ObamaCare to 6.9 million new people at a cost of $383 billion between 2025 and 2034, the CBO estimates. Half of those people would not have insurance otherwise, but the other half would enroll in ObamaCare when they could have used insurance offered by their employer, the CBO predicts.

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Supporting quote: Voter advocate Antonio Arrellano told The Texas Standard that health insurance for Dreamers

is a significant step towards dismantling the barriers that have historically prevented marginalized communities from accessing essential services. With this rule change, over 100,000 young people will gain access to vital health care services, providing overall well-being and economic security that they so desperately yearn for.

Billions with minimal results

To be clear, DACA recipients were people brought to the U.S. before turning age 16 and before June 15, 2007; they had to be under the age of 31 as of June 15, 2012, meaning they could be as old as 42 this year.

Critical quote: “The ACA premium tax credit expansion needlessly spent well over $100 billion of tax dollars for a minimal reduction in the number of uninsured,” Reps. Jodey Arrington (R-TX) and Jason Smith (R-MO) wrote in a letter to the CBO. “It is particularly concerning that … some of our nation’s highest earners are now eligible for government assistance. In certain areas of the country, a family making as much as $599,000 in 2023 could qualify for taxpayer-funded subsidies.”


Summary: Affordable healthcare is one of the most important issues facing the U.S., but we need solutions that don’t increase our already-insurmountable debt.

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This article was originally published by RealClearInvestigations and made available via RealClearWire.

Adam Andrzejewski
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Adam Andrzejewski (say: Angie-eff-ski) was the CEO/founder of Before dedicating his life to public service, Adam co-founded HomePages Directories, a $20 million publishing company (1997-2007). His works have been featured on the BBC, Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight, C-SPAN, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, USA Today, FOX News, CNN, National Public Radio (NPR), Forbes, Newsweek, and many other national media.

Today, is the largest private repository of U.S. public-sector spending. Mission: post "every dime, online, in real time." In 2022, captured nearly all public expenditures in the country, including nearly all disclosed federal government spending; 50 of 50 state checkbooks; and 25 million public employee salary and pension records from 50,000 public bodies across America.

The group's aggressive transparency and forensic auditing of government spending has led to the assembly of grand juries, indictments, and successful prosecutions; congressional briefings, hearings, and subpoenas; Government Accountability Office (GAO) audits; Congressional Research Service (CRS) reports; federal legislation; and much more.

Our Honorary Chairman - In Memoriam is U.S. Senator Tom Coburn, MD.

Andrzejewski's federal oversight work was included in the President's Budget To Congress FY2021. The budget cited his organization by name, bullet-pointed their findings, and footnoted/hyperlinked to their report.

Posted on YouTube, Andrzejewski's presentation, The Depth of the Swamp, at the Hillsdale College National Leadership Seminar 2020 in Naples, Florida received 3.8 million views.

Andrzejewski has spoken at the Columbia School of Journalism, Harvard Law School and the law schools at Georgetown and George Washington regarding big data journalism. As a senior policy contributor at Forbes, Adam had nearly 20 million pageviews on 206 published investigations. In 2022, investigative fact-finding on Dr. Fauci's finances led to his cancellation at Forbes.

In 2022, Andrzejewski did 473 live television and radio interviews across broadcast, major cable platforms, and radio shows. Andrzejewski is the author of The Waste of the Day column at Real Clear Policy. The column is syndicated by Sinclair Broadcast Group, owners of nearly 200 ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX affiliates across USA.

Andrzejewski passed away in his sleep at his home in in Hinsdale, Illinois, on August 18, 2024. He is survived by his wife Kerry and three daughters. He also served as a lector at St. Isaac Jogues Catholic Church and finished the Chicago Marathon eight times (PR 3:58.49 in 2022).

Waste of the Day articles published after August 18, 2024 are considered posthumous publications.


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