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CHAPTER 43: Ideological Subversion, Communitarianism, and the 15-Minute City – Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*

Globalists have been practicing ideological subversion on America, a trick they learned from the Soviets and refined over the decades.



Ideological Subversion, Communitarianism, and the 15-Minute City

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

Globalism requires regressing adults into childlike thinking

Globalists recognize neither individual nor national sovereignty. Globalism’s planetary Unistate will be one-world population, one-world nation, one-world government, one-world language, one-world currency, one-world bank, one-world culture, one-world customs, one-world ethics, one-world morality, one-world norms, one-world court, one-world laws, and one-world military police enforcing one-world compliance.

Marxism and globalism are both replacement ideologies. The Marxist strategy for ideological conversion relies on regressing chronological adults back to childish thinking through fear, and weaponizing education to indoctrinate children in collectivism as young as possible. The globalist strategy for world domination exploits the Marxist strategy to clear the path for the globalist Unistate.

To understand what is so attractive about the state of childhood for megalomaniacs, we must return to our earlier discussion of power and control in Chapter 36, and consider the universal source of conflict between power and powerlessness that begins in childhood. It is often said that everything is political. That is true. Everything is political because everything is ideological. Everything is ideological because thoughts are ideas, and thought precedes behavior. Some ideologies support individual freedom and some support state tyranny.

We are all born completely helpless and dependent upon our caretakers. An ideal childhood would have parents who love, nurture, and teach their children the skills necessary to become empowered, independent, autonomous, rational adults capable of becoming loving parents who will repeat this cycle of life. The goal is ideological, and requires family support to preserve and sustain it generationally.


Ideological subversion required to make adults dependent

Adult independence, responsibility, and agency are required to support the individualism and meritocracy required for a life of ordered liberty and upward mobility in a constitutional republic. Our constitutional republic is a political structure supported by an ideological commitment to freedom and liberty, sustained by the Judeo-Christian morality that supports individualism, adulthood, and the nuclear family. These qualities are anathema to societies of rulers and ruled, because the dependence and powerlessness of early childhood are required to sustain the tyranny of binary power structures such as globalism and Marxism.

In order to collapse America from within, it is necessary to subvert Americans ideologically and replace their strivings for adulthood with dependency needs. Yuri Bezmenov, a former KGB propagandist, worked as a “journalist” inside the Western countries he was tasked with subverting. Bezmenov defected to Canada in 1970 and began giving lectures and interviews to warn Western nations about ongoing Soviet tactics being used to subvert their countries.

In his 1984 interview[1] with G. Edward Griffin, Bezmenov explained that the main focus of the KGB was not espionage. The emphasis was on ideological subversion using covert Soviet “active measures,” particularly psychological warfare and disinformation. During the interview, Bezmenov defined[ii] the four stages of ideological subversion involved in a communist takeover of a Western country:

I. DEMORALIZATION (15–20 years)

Indoctrination with Marxism-Leninism.

Takes 15–20 years to educate one generation without any counterbalance.


Destabilization of economy, foreign relations, and military.

III. CRISIS (6 weeks)

Violent change of power.

IV. NORMALIZATION (indefinitely)

Creation and acceptance of the new normal. Lasts indefinitely.

Changing percepts

Bezmenov explained that the Marxist goal is to change perceptions of reality to such a degree that no one is able to come to sensible conclusions about how to defend himself, his family, or his country. It is brainwashing to the extent that facts no longer matter, and is exactly the same psychological warfare that Bertrand Russell describes in The Impact of Science on Society when he advocates weaponizing education such that children will eventually believe that snow is black. Ideological subversion and psychological warfare are the reasons why space is no longer the final frontier—reality is.

The mechanism for ideological subversion is psychological regression. I won’t give the Soviets credit for understanding WHY regression works, but they definitely knew that it DOES work. And it doesn’t matter how intelligent or accomplished the individual is; those qualities are completely irrelevant. I explain the mechanism of psychological regression in Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? Fear regresses chronological adults to psychological childhood. If you frighten someone enough, you regress them back to a state of childish psychological thinking and compliance in a world of subjective reality. Children believe what they are told, no matter how factually absurd it is—for example, the COVID fear campaign with its masking, jabs, social distancing, vaccines that are not vaccines, and endless booster shots. In talking with people regressed by active measures, you may think you are speaking to an adult, but you are actually interacting with a psychological three-year-old.


Ideological subversion = psychological warfare

Can you have a rational debate with a three-year-old? No, of course not. That is why ideological subversion is psychological warfare—and why it is so catastrophically effective. I cannot say this often enough or strenuously enough: Freedom is an adult enterprise.

Globalist social engineers are master strategists who live in objective reality and understand the infantile nature of Marxist collectivism. They know Marxist promises of equality and earthly delights historically end in tyranny, and only regressed adults ignore history, insisting that each new iteration of Marxist collectivism will be the real one.

Globalists fund and foment Marxist ideological destruction to clear the path and soften America for globalist objectives. Every species of ideological Marxism, including critical race theory, Wokeism, queer theory, radical feminism, and post-colonial theory, is being used to advance the globalist war effort. The globalist coup d’état cannot succeed without collapsing America.

The enemy within

The will to power is nothing new. What is new is the post–World War II strategy to bring down the United States ideologically, from within. Ideological Marxists continue to believe in the Culture War, its long march through American institutions, and the historical inevitability of communism. But Marxist devotees, including the leadership, are simply useful idiots being used by the globalists in their War on America. They do not recognize the transitory nature of their power to swing the cultural wrecking ball. It is the globalists, not the Marxists, who control the science and technology required to facilitate the Fourth Industrial Revolution, impose its one-world planetary Unistate, and eventually eliminate dissent and dissenters, including the Marxists.

Globalist social engineers are using their coordinated narrative of fear to regress free people all over the world. If we are to remain free, we simply must remain psychological adults living in objective reality. How do we accomplish this?


First, we acknowledge that we are a world at war, and we demand of ourselves that we always live in the adult world of objective reality. Fortunately, there are role models that can help us understand what this means. Author/activist Rosa Koire explained how the European Union (EU) has already accepted communitarianism. So, let’s begin there.

Diverting property tax revenue to fund UN Agenda 21/2030

Rosa Koire (1956–2021) wrote Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21 (2011),[iii] explaining how the foundation of Agenda 21/2030 is communitarianism. Koire was a forensic commercial real estate appraiser specializing in eminent domain valuation. She was a District Branch Chief for the California Department of Transportation and an expert witness on land use and value. In 2005 she was elected to a citizens’ oversight committee to review a proposed 1,300-acre redevelopment project in Santa Rosa, Northern California, where 10,000 people lived and worked.

Through her research, Koire discovered that much of the funding for UN Agenda 21/Sustainable Development land use programs came through diversion of property taxes to development agencies. Koire’s book explains that Sustainable Development is an inventory and control plan for all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, food, energy, information, and all human beings in the world. In other words, the planetary ecology. In 2013 she did a video interview in Denmark titled Rosa Koire: “Agenda 21” Open Mind Conference 2013.[iv] Six years later the same interview was reposted and retitled Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 2030 exposed.[v] Much of Rosa Koire’s work has already been deleted from the internet. Her 2013 interview exposed the catastrophic impact of Sustainable Development on private property rights and liberty. Its relevance today is chilling. The interview is preserved in its entirety below.

Rosa Koire. “Agenda 21” Open Mind Conference 2013


I’m Rosa Koire and I’m from the United States, California, and my topic, what I speak about is one of the most vitally important issues of our age and that is the United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development. And as I’ll be talking about tomorrow, it is the inventory and control plan. Inventory and control of all land, all water, all minerals, all plants, all animals, all construction, all means of production, all food, all energy, all information, and all human beings in the world. And this is a plan that was agreed to by a hundred and seventy-nine nations back in 1992.

It’s a United Nations plan, it’s called the “Agenda for the 21st century,” and so many of us around the world think that sustainable development, it just sounds so great. Isn’t it about recycling and creative reuse and creating energy and food resources for everyone? And the answer is No. It really is not. It’s about moving populations into city centers, concentrated city centers, and clearing them out of the rural areas. So, I became, I found out about it in a very unusual way actually, because I spent my career as a legal witness, as an expert witness for the California Department of Transportation. I’m an expert in land use and land valuation, and my specialty is in eminent domain valuation. Of course, I was valuing property for the government so that the government could acquire that property for road projects, and what I found about ten years ago, by around or 10 or 15 years ago, was that land actually, it was very difficult to say what it was worth because you couldn’t know what people could do with it, because they were being restricted from using their property. And as I explored that, and found that it wasn’t just in the San Francisco Bay Area where I was working, it was in fact all across the nation and the world. I looked behind that and I found United Nations Agenda 21 Sustainable Development.

We created the Post Sustainability Institute in order to educate people about the economic, social, political, and environmental impacts of communitarianism on the world. And communitarianism is that concept, that social and political construct that says that the individual’s rights should be balanced against the rights of the community. And, of course, the community is that amorphous undefined community that we, you know when we talk about community, we think we’re of course part of it and that, you know, it’s a positive thing. But really community is, constructed, it’s constructed of non-governmental organizations, corporations, and government, in order to dictate and regulate what it is that happens around the world. And we as individuals have literally no influence on that unless we are in agreement with it. If you dissent against the community, against communitarian law or against communitarian social tactics, you’re rejected and basically made an outcast. And that is something that that we wanted to expose to the world and the reason that we created a Post Sustainability Institute was in order to sue.

We sued our local government and right now we’re suing a higher-up in order to stop regional plans because regionalization is the stepping-stone to globalization, and globalization is the standardization of all systems. So, that includes water, law enforcement, education, energy, all systems have to be brought into harmony in order to control them all. Because when systems don’t meet, when they’re out of balance or not synced with one another, they can’t be controlled centrally. And the goal of Agenda 21 is one-world government and total control from a central unit.

America, the United States of America, is really under attack right now. We in the United States are, well, the U.S. landmass is about two and a half times the size of Europe and has roughly half the population. Just over half that landmass is huge and about 75% of the population lives in large cities. The goal is to move everyone out of the rural areas and into the large cities, and to destroy representative government, and to move it into to a government by unelected boards and commissions.

Now here in the EU of course you have, you know, you’ve already moved to that position, where it’s an erasure of jurisdictional boundaries an erasure of national boundaries, and that is the goal because as Zbigniew Brzezinski said in 1995, you can’t just impose globalization pell-mell as a total movement, you have to do it incrementally. And the way to do that is through regionalization. And in Denmark, for instance in Denmark, well, every nation that signed on to Agenda 21 has its local Agenda 21 plan. People in the United States are completely unaware of this. If I go out and talk about this the United States, press attacks me and calls me a conspiracy theorist, which is totally ridiculous. It is a conspiracy, but it’s not a theory. It’s a fact. Here in Europe, it’s openly spoken about, local Agenda 21. And, of course, here in Denmark the Aalborg Principles 2000 excuse me, 1994, and then Aalborg +10, 2004, was the European roundtable for local Agenda 21, was held here. And the Principles are public-private partnerships, which is fascism, and this is how it’s implemented on the ground. Is through this joining together between corporations, non-governmental organizations, and governments in order to cut out the, you know, the actual individual, your voter. And instead to take that to a level where we literally cannot penetrate, and this is the goal. So, this is already far progressed in Europe.

The three pillars of United Nations Agenda 21 are Economy, Ecology, and Equity. The three E’s—the social equity—and everyone sort of thinks that they know what that means. The idea of social equity must mean that, well, everyone’s going to have access to clean water and clean air, and no one’s property is going to be used as a dumping ground because they are at a poverty level.

But really, what social equity is about, it’s about impoverishing huge portions of the population and bringing down the developed nations. And while this sounds like, you know, it sounds almost like in the United States, you’d call that a right-wing point of view, a conservative right-wing point of view. I personally am a liberal. The idea that something this drastic, this radical, would be happening worldwide without people knowing it. All you have to do is look at austerity measures; restrictions on transfers of wealth; additional restrictions on land use; ability, you know, to produce, to use your energy, your water, your industry; all of this is happening in developed nations. So, when you have your infrastructure attacked like that, it’s going to have a tremendous impact on your ability to prosper. As well as the idea that everything that we’re looking at now is destined to collapse our economies. Because the idea, this is a corporatocracy, it’s a totalitarian state being developed right now all over the world.

And what major corporations want in this fascist development is to be able to have full movement of workers without borders or boundaries. To be able to move their goods through without regulations and to reduce wages. And so, this is the goal, this is what you find with social equity, that’s code for social equity, for this movement and reduction of the population. And of course the economy and ecology is about bringing into balance economy, these are the three circles, Economy, Ecology, and social Equity. And where they meet in the center is balance.

But really that balance is a communitarian balance. So, it’s not balance of well-being of the people, what it is is it’s a balance or corporation so that they can exploit and control and have populations in an area in tightly packed dense areas so that they can be surveilled and managed. And this is what that balance looks like as far as the development of totalitarian state.

I think it’s very important to know that the people now still have an opportunity to fight. All of us across the world understand that our individuality is at stake here. Our most important private property is our body, and of course surveillance is a vital part, surveillance, domestic surveillance and control, is a vital part of this plan. It is a totalitarian plan. But you know, just like any other extreme plan, while we are moving towards the endgame, we are not there. And this is the opportunity that all of us have now to stand up, to speak out, to refuse to collaborate, to refuse to cooperate. To expose collaborators, to work together to defund these plans. To refuse, to demand what it is the corporations want to give us and so, because no one’s holding a gun to our heads right now, we have that opportunity.

If that changes, if that moment changes, you certainly won’t protest then, so now is the time. And people all over the world are doing this. It’s that the mainstream media is owned by five major corporations, and you’re not going to get this information from the mainstream press. So, you need to be your own press. You need to educate yourself. You need to get out there and educate your neighbors, your community, your real community. You need to help your children understand that they’re being indoctrinated from pre-kindergarten to postgraduate school.

All of us have a responsibility to ourselves and to others. This is true community, to work for personal freedom and always remember that even though we work as a group, if we do work as a group, we’re all individuals in those groups and we answer only to ourselves. And this is essential, it’s essential as free human beings. This is what we are—we are free and we need to continue to be free. And I do believe that we will win, but we have to become aware that there is a fight, and then make our friends and our neighbors and our community aware as well, and work together.

Right now, in the United States we are moving into major massive regionalization. The United States has 50 states, and it’s divided into cities, counties, and states, and then the federal government. Instead, Agenda 21 is top-down. It’s global, regional, neighborhood, and none of those positions is elected. So, in the United States right now, the development of regionalization is happening very quickly. It’s happening with federal funding. There are hundreds of millions of dollars going to local governments in order to have them create regional plans. And this plan cannot be accomplished without control of land and land use, because of course where you live often dictates the kind of life you’re going to have.

So, regionalization takes away our opportunity to have an impact. It takes away representative government. So, what we are doing at the Post Sustainability Institute right now is we are suing to stop the biggest regional plan in the United States, and it is a blueprint for the rest of the country. What this plan is doing is essentially saying that no new development will happen anywhere. But in 4% of the San Francisco Bay Area that all 101 cities and nine counties will be joined together and all land-use decisions will be made basically by an unelected Board. What this will do to land use and land value in the San Francisco Bay Area, to movements of people, to development of business, to freedom, is unfathomable. And people are not aware of it. The only thing that is standing between that and full passage is our lawsuit.

Now what this truly means is if you tell people that they have to build only “smart” growth, high-density development in an urban center right on a train line. Or, the train doesn’t have to be there, it’s the proposed idea of a train line, and then no development, no buildings, no residential, no commercial, can happen outside of that very, very concentrated area, then what do you have? You have a concentration camp of the future.

This is exactly what it looks like and you see it’s very much more subtle and much more sophisticated than it was when the Nazis were doing it. You are not going to get thrown on a train car, you will just have your roads out in the rural areas pulverized and turned to gravel. You’ll have your family well monitored, you will have your energy restricted, you will have your school service cut, your Sheriff service cut. You will find that you are not able to get your goods to market, and then you have to move into the city, and then you will move into this high-density development that is subsidized with our property tax dollars, and pretty soon you will have the Wildlands Project,[vi] which is predicated on moving people out of the rural areas.

This is how it happens, so you know people say, “Well, hey, nobody’s getting me off my land.” Well, it’s very easy. You know, no one’s going to come to your door with a gun, but they will move you off your land. And you will be in the cities and those cities will be full capability of surveillance, monitoring, and control. These buildings, these high-density buildings, are being built with a concept of eyes on the street. You become basically a deputized police adjunct. Your job is to watch the street. Your job is to watch your neighbor.

The war on terror is a war on you, and we all know this. We feel it. This is why we need to stop it. So, this is our plan, to use the courts at this point and stop this plan. And we’re working on it.

[Transcript ends]

Land use and political medicine

Koire’s plan was to make people aware, and to use the courts to stop the plan. She understood that land use is the institutional path to high-density developments and surveillance modeled after China’s system: physically (forcefully if necessary) moving the population to 15-minute city centers where they will be surveilled and controlled.

Land use is parallel to political medicine. Both weaponize institutional power to increase social control by the state. Life in the Unistate is the beginning of Humanity 2.0, where all living things are part of the planetary ecology of communitarianism and Scientism’s evolutionary ascendancy to transhumanism. Science and technology made Brzezinski’s 1970 predictions come true, and science and technology are being used to make globalist megalomaniacal dreams of technocracy and transhumanism come true. Cognitive warfare will make life in the Unistate an existence of totalitarian conformity, serfdom, and compliance with the orthodoxy of Scientism.


Member of the European Parliament Christine Anderson is an unyielding opponent of globalism and Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda. She is one of the few remaining politicians actually representing the interests of the people. In a September 13, 2023, session devoted to COVID-19 response and the World Health Organization, she ended the meeting with this powerful statement posted verbatim on Vigilant News,[vii] with emphasis added.


We just need to find a way to wake the people up. Because the point is simply this: it comes down to a choice. It’s either freedom, democracy, and the rule of law—or enslavement.

There is no such thing [as] in between. There is no such thing as a little freedom, a little democracy, a little rule of law, just as there is no such thing as a little enslavement. So that’s the choice. It comes down to—it’s either the globalitarian misanthropists or the people. It comes down to—it’s either us or them. And that’s, I think, what this really is all about.

Now, when my colleagues and I were elected to this parliament, there was no question about it: we were on the side of the people because the people actually pay us to act in their best interests. That’s our job. And once again, I will say to every single elected representative around the world, to every single member in every elected government around the world, if you do not unequivocally stand with the people and serve in their best interests, act in their best interests, you have no place in any parliament or in any government. You belong behind bars. You may even rot in hell for all I care at this point because that’s exactly what you deserve if you sell out the people.

Now, I would like to make a promise to the people, and I’m pretty sure I can speak [for] or speak on behalf of my colleagues. We will continue to stand with you, the people. We will continue to fight for freedom, democracy, and the rule of law. We will not shut up, and we will not stop going after those despicable globalitarian misanthropists.

But we would also like to have you make a promise to us. You may have heard it’s all coming back. The first country is already starting mask mandates in Israel. They’re already imposing it. I’ve heard of a few universities in the United States. They’re already bringing it all back. And I would really like for you, the people, to not go along. Simply say no! They want you to wear a mask: say no. They want you to put in another mRNA shot: say no. They want to impose a curfew on you: say no. That’s really all you have to do.

And it might not be or might sound a little hard, but it’s actually not that hard. Because once you have made it clear to them that you will no longer go along, once you’ve let them know, they cannot scare you anymore. Because as long as you are afraid of what they might do if you don’t comply, they have power over you. Take the power away from them! Simply say no. Once you do that, they don’t have power over you anymore. You will feel so free. Simply say no.

And considering what we’ve heard today, and considering what we’ve seen in the last three years, considering what we know they want to implement, heck, you might even be well within your right to tell them to screw themselves and go to hell! That’s where they belong. What will you get out of that? I can tell you. Once you’ve done that, once you’ve told them to just go to hell, they no longer have power over you. You will have an incredible feeling—kind of like a sensation of freedom will sweep through your body. I promise you will feel so relieved.

And this is the state of mind that I would ask all of you to get to. Simply don’t let them grind you down anymore. You are worth it. You are deserving of just standing up for yourselves. And tell them all to go to hell. Thank you very much.

[Transcript ends]

Resistance to ideological subversion is local

Christine Anderson is an MEP for Germany’s anti-immigration party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), and an outspoken critic of Canada’s Justin Trudeau. In March 2022 she accused Trudeau of openly admiring the Chinese dictatorship, and criticized him for trampling on “fundamental rights by persecuting and criminalizing his own citizens as terrorists just because they dare to stand up to his perverted concept of democracy.”

Anderson speaks on the international stage, but to resist globalism we must stand against it locally. On September 20, 2023, Canadian citizen Joel Sussman stood before the Aurora, Ontario, City Council and schooled them on globalism and its existential threat to freedom. Joel Sussman’s videotaped statement[viii] below:


Good evening. Restructuring of Canadian mayors and municipalities under the auspices of the United Nations began in 1992. PM Mulroney signed Canada onto UN Agenda 21. Canada thus became a UN member nation-state. One hundred seventy-eight [nine] countries signed on, lured by the promise of big money to go green. By 2000, countries, including Canada, were being governed by directions of the UN, G7, G20, World Economic Forum, and World Health Organization, to name some.

Every organization named is a foreign-based NGO, non-governmental organization, and every member of all these organizations is unelected. Parliamentary procedures for law changes weren’t followed. In 1994, a municipal primer was issued to all local towns, outlining how they were to restructure their governments.

Though the municipal primer was a non-binding agreement, all towns adopted it. Our public officials, the mayor and councilors of that day, were partnered with a private corporation, the Corporation of the Town of Aurora, who appointed a chief administrative officer who helped implement the global agenda instead of a local one.

The International Council on Local and Environmental Issues, ICLEI, became the main source of consultation to push and fund the global agenda. We remind you that the World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed a strategic partnership framework in 2019 to jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

This is the same World Economic Forum whose chairman, Klaus Schwab, famously declared “you will own nothing and be happy.” This is the same Klaus Schwab who, referring to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, boasted, “We have penetrated more than half of his cabinet.” We would ask Mayor Maracas and the Councilors: Why should the citizens of Aurora bow down to the intrusive dictates of an unelected foreign entity?

The fact is we should not. And we will not. What, you ask, does any of this have to do with 15-minute smart cities? Absolutely everything. Smart: S for surveillance, M for monitoring, A for analysis, R for reporting, and T for technology. Technocracy News editor Patrick Wood, 50 years of experience and expertise on technocracy, wrote, “The 15-minute city is a cover for [a] data collection bonanza for technocrats who design and operate them.”

Cities designed for maximum efficiency always reveal technocrat thinking that efficiency itself is the goal. Maximum surveillance allows for maximum control to achieve even more efficiency. At its very root, this mechanistic thinking is anti-human. The 15-minute city narrative seeks to fool you in the guise of saving the planet, keeping you safe, and delivering convenience.

It’s actually the gateway to digital IDs and CBDC, Central Bank Digital Currencies. CBDCs allow bankers and/or governments to freeze your bank account because you happen to peacefully and lawfully protest and express your disagreement with government policy. Does anyone remember the truckers’ convoy in Ottawa, February 22, [2022] when the government of Canada invoked the Emergencies Act and froze the private bank accounts of law-abiding citizens?

Fifteen-minute cities are wolves in sheep’s clothing. Don’t believe the countless stories spewing forth from the 24/7 bases, from the elitist-captured mainstream media, all claiming to have your best interests at heart. We have been burned too many times. In reality, 24/7 surveillance through the Internet of Things inside your home, 5G, and LED streetlights outside, monitoring and tracking and recording everything. Implementation of exclusion zones and geofencing to restrict movement and travel. Ability to control behaviors through military-directed energy technologies, property and car ownership to be outlawed, evictions from farms and rural areas to go to gather people into cities. Digital passports being promulgated by the UN World Economic Forum and the World Health Organization are in the final stages of planning and implementation. They are tied to social credit score, which is determined by compliance to [with]government directives. These passports control all access and all aspects of life. Digital currency is being implemented to end cash and monitor all your spending. Your digital currency will be turned off or on depending on your compliance score. UBI, Universal Basic Income, is a state-controlled allowance forcing compliance by restricting access to food, money, services, and education.

All of the above will enable climate lockdowns to be implemented easily, arbitrarily, and indefinitely.

The real agenda of 15-Minute Smart Cities is to monitor and control everyone and everything. In summary, in the coming days, Council will receive an electronic info packet which will contain the text of this delegation and other items. We, the citizens of Aurora, wish to enter into a meaningful, respectful dialogue with our elected members of Council on this complex, important issue.

A key framework of that dialogue is a list of questions posed to Council. Can Council explicitly guarantee that citizens will remain free to travel as is their right under the Charter of Rights and Freedoms? Can Council guarantee not to restrict access to essential services, medical care, bank accounts, government pensions, utilities?

Most importantly, we the citizens of Aurora need to have the conversation with the Council about exiting their non-binding agreement with the private for-profit entity known as the Corporation of the Town of Aurora. We need to turn back the page to a simpler time when open, transparent municipal government serving its citizens and working in their best interests ruled the day.

We are your equal partners on this journey. Thank you.

[Transcript ends]

Joel Sussman received an enthusiastic one-minute standing ovation from the gallery.

For me, the most disturbing aspect of Sussman’s speech was the City Council’s response. The Aurora, Ontario, city councilors entrusted with public policy politely thanked Sussman for sharing his views, but appeared completely unaware of the history, government restructuring, public-private partnerships, and global agenda they were actively participating in against the public interest.


This is an information war. City councilors who rely solely on information from globalist sources are participating, wittingly or unwittingly, in the globalist war on humanity. What is happening in Aurora, Ontario, is happening elsewhere. Citizens must take the responsibility and initiative, as Joel Sussman did, to provide facts challenging the globalist narrative that city officials are blithely and naively accepting.

A role model for the resistance

Joel Sussman is a role model for freedom-loving citizens. Here in the United States, citizens in every state, in every county, and in every city should attend city council meetings and read Joel Sussman’s transcript out loud into the public record.

Resistance requires accurate information and the courage to stand against the herd. Stopping the globalist advance requires being a psychological adult, living in the adult world of objective reality based on facts. Activist Rosa Koire, MEP Christine Anderson, and Citizen Joel Sussman possess the courage of their convictions, and have provided us all with demonstrations of what that courage looks like. Now it is up to us.

Their next move

America’s freedom clock is ticking, and the globalist social engineers are in the final stages of their war on humanity. The next fear campaign is coming. It will probably be another bioweapon release, marketed as a worldwide pandemic far more contagious than COVID-19. It will be exploited politically as a catastrophic event necessitating the exclusive use of mail-in ballots in the 2024 presidential election—for public health, of course. Anyone who objects will be accused of voter suppression. If not a bioweapon, then I predict the globalists will incite social chaos with some outrageous action or policy that ends with fighting in the streets. The goal is to make society totally ungovernable. Then the globalists will declare martial law—for public safety, of course.

After martial law comes feudal serfdom in globalism’s planetary managerial Unistate—a scientific dictatorship ruled by the elite, who always and only take care of themselves.


*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

From; appears by arrangement – Ed.


[1] 1984 interview;

[ii] defined;

[iii] Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21, Rosa Koire, The Post Sustainability Press; First edition, 2011;


[iv] Rosa Koire: “Agenda 21” Open Mind Conference 2013;

[v] Rosa Koire: UN Agenda 2030 exposed;

[vi] Wildlands Project;

[vii] Vigilant News;

[viii] Joel Sussman’s videotaped statement;

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Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and goudsmit.pundicity.comThe Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”


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