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CHAPTER 44: The American Reformation – Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier—Reality Is*

The globalists are attempting an American Reformation, like the English Reformation of Henry VIII and just as self-serving.



American Reformation

Globalism is a replacement ideology that seeks to reorder the world into one singular, planetary Unistate, ruled by the globalist elite. The globalist war on nation-states cannot succeed without collapsing the United States of America. The long-term strategic attack plan moves America incrementally from constitutional republic to socialism to globalism to feudalism. The tactical attack plan uses asymmetric psychological and informational warfare to destabilize Americans and drive society out of objective reality into the madness of subjective reality. America’s children are the primary target of the globalist predators.

An example of absolutism in history

Historically, political and religious factions ruled nation-states with combined absolute power. When Henry VIII ruled England in the 16th century, he shared political power with the Catholic Church until the Church refused to annul his marriage to Catherine of Aragon so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. In response, Henry founded the Church of England and separated it from the Catholic Church, beginning the English Reformation and England’s conversion from a Catholic to a Protestant nation. It was a seismic shift in English culture and society, overturning England’s existing power structure, which the monarchy had shared with the Catholic Church for six centuries.

Henry VIII achieved absolute power by separating England from the Catholic Church and making radical changes to the constitution of England. The Church of England was Henry’s replacement ideology. The king rejected papal authority and appointed himself Supreme Head of the Church of England, the absolute monarch. The 1534 Act of Supremacy legalized his power grab and conveniently awarded Henry the divine right of kings. Divine right asserts that monarchical power derives from divine authority and is not, therefore, accountable to the people, the aristocracy, or any earthly authority. Any attempt to depose, dethrone, resist, or restrict monarchical power is contrary to God’s will, therefore sacrilege. Henry’s subsequent purge and persecution of the Catholics was a political policy. He dissolved convents and monasteries, stripping them of their wealth and power, and required the nobility to swear allegiance to the new Oath of Supremacy recognizing Henry’s supreme authority.

The American experiment in limitation of power

How does this pertain to us today? Our forefathers understood the will to power and how absolute power corrupts absolutely. The United States of America is the first nation in world history created with a constitutional separation of powers to protect its citizens from the tyranny of totalitarian rule, and a Bill of Rights to protect each individual citizen’s freedom and sovereignty. Religious power and political power in the nascent American constitutional republic were separated by law, and a preferred state religion was prohibited.

The unifying identity for life in the United States of America was being an American. Patriotism is an ideological commitment. Our nation was founded by patriotic individuals unified by and willing to fight for their shared ideological commitment to freedom, liberty, and sovereignty.


That was then.

Globalism’s war on the nation-state is the modern equivalent of Henry VIII’s monarchical and maniacal power grab that changed the religion of an entire nation in order to solve Henry’s personal marital problems. His decision illustrates the narcissism of power and the elitist mindset. One man declared himself divinely entitled to absolute power and control.

An American Reformation – that looks like Henry VIII’s “Reformation”

Henry VIII is the historical cautionary tale that warns of the existential danger in globalism’s quest for absolute power and control. The globalist elite are attempting an American Reformation. They are separating America from its founding principles of freedom, liberty, and sovereignty; substituting Marxist collectivism for American individualism by replacing family authority with state authority; and exchanging Judeo-Christian traditions and values for Scientism. Scientism supports bioethical consensus morality, a unanimity of thought that awards the globalist elite absolute power—equivalent to Henry VIII and his self-serving doctrine, the divine right of kings.

Scientism, a central feature of today’s divisive Woke Marxism, is being practiced as a mandated, preferred state religion under the Biden-Obama-Harris regime. Rooted in consensus science, Scientism provides the collectivist authority that replaces traditional Judeo-Christian norms and the Hippocratic Oath. Globalism exploits Marxist ideology and ideologues to rip the Judeo-Christian values of individualism, traditional morality, family, and patriotism out of American culture.

The American Reformation is today’s Great Reset initiative, and it will be a seismic shift in American culture and society parallel to the English Reformation. Establishing Scientism as the preferred state religion overturns America’s constitutional power structure, which prohibits a state religion and guarantees the separation of powers. The separation of powers guards against tyranny and ensures representative government for conducting the people’s business. The American Reformation resets 250 years of constitutional authority to 0.


Bertrand Russel writes the blueprint for this American Reformation

The blueprint for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset initiative is found in Bertrand Russell’s infamous book The Impact of Science on Society,[i] written in 1952. Russell considered science superior to religion in its observations and moral authority, and envisioned scientists replacing religious leaders in a secular society. Scientists would define ethics and resolve ethical issues with their superior scientific expertise and powers of persuasion, through mass psychological manipulation:

I think the subject which will be of most importance politically is mass psychology. Mass psychology is, scientifically speaking, not a very advanced study and, so far, its professors have not been in universities: they have been advertisers, politicians, and above all, dictators. This study is immensely useful to practical men, whether they wish to become rich or to acquire the government…. What is essential in mass psychology is the art of persuasion…. It may be hoped that in time anyone will be able to persuade anybody of anything…. This subject will make great strides when it is taken up by scientists under a scientific dictatorship. (p. 27)

Although this science of mass psychology will be diligently studied, it will be rigidly confined to the governing class. The populace will not be allowed to know how its convictions are generated. (p. 28)

The completeness of the resulting control over opinion depends in various ways upon scientific technique. Where all children go to school, and all schools are controlled by the government, the authorities can close the minds of the young to everything contrary to official orthodoxy. Printing is impossible without paper, and all paper belongs to the State. Broadcasting and the cinema are equally public monopolies. The only remaining possibility of unauthorized propaganda is by secret whispers from one individual to another. But this, in turn, is rendered appallingly dangerous by improvements in the art of spying. Children at school are taught that it is their duty to denounce their parents if they allow themselves subversive utterances in the bosom of the family. (pp. 41–42)

Russell forecast the Scientism that has been practiced as a secular religion in America since COVID-19 savaged the nation. He even gave us a glimpse of its pathological leader, Anthony Fauci, who arrogantly claimed, in response to criticism, “Attacks on me, quite frankly, are attacks on science.”

Russell acknowledged that the ruling class in a scientific dictatorship can bring tyrannical officials and a lawless police force, both of which will restrict freedom. Then rationalized the draconian power grab with an absurd fear tactic, arguing that unless individual and national liberty are restrained, mankind may not survive. Russell claimed it was necessary to have a system that makes individuals and nations submit to the rule of law—the self-serving laws that the elite create, enact, and impose on the people. Does this narrative sound familiar? It should.

A self-serving narrative

It is the same self-serving narrative used by Henry VIII to legitimize the English Reformation, and the same imperious narrative echoed by Klaus Schwab and his globalist WEF partners to legitimize the American Reformation. Globalists do not rely on political theories of historical inevitability the way Marxists do, or appoint themselves divine rulers like Henry VIII. They don’t have to. Instead, they rely on Scientism for the narrative of evolutionary inevitability, where humans will merge with machines to transcend their human limitations and become transhuman.

But like Bertrand Russell, globalist stakeholders play offense and strategically raise the profound ethical issues involved with Scientism and transhumanism. In fact, they talk about it constantly, as if talking about ethics is a solution and not a best-defense-is-an-offense maneuver designed to familiarize the public with the nascent transhuman industry.


Today’s American military-industrial complex is actively supporting the American Reformation and pursuing globalist goals with its combined military-industrial-economic-ideological might. Like mercenaries, the American military-industrial complex has no national identity and no national patriotism. It is ideologically committed to the planetary Unistate, UN Agenda 2030, UN 17 Sustainable Goals, Scientism, neuroscience technologies, Directed Energy, bioelectricity, and decoding the electrome. If the globalist coup d’état is successful, it is the end of Humanity 1.0 and the beginning of globalism’s transhumanist future in the planetary Unistate.

A two-front war

The battle for freedom is a two-part battle for your mind. First, the psychological battle that regresses chronological adults to childish compliance in order to establish centralized globalist power in America. Second, the physical battle inside your brain fought with cognitive warfare to insure absolute conformity in the planetary Unistate.

The American Reformation will award the globalist elite absolute power and control in America, just as the English Reformation awarded absolute power and control to Henry VIII. The seismic difference between 21st-century America and 16th-century England is in the aftershocks.

Globalism is designed to enslave the entire world population. If the American Reformation succeeds, the globalist elite will award themselves absolute power and control over the entire planet. What Henry VIII did to England is what the globalist elite will do to the entire world. Henry VIII overturned six centuries of established English tradition because the Catholic Church would not grant him an annulment. The globalists will overturn 250 years of American freedom because the United States is an obstacle to their megalomaniacal ambitions for planetary control and the possibility for eternal life through transhumanism.

This American Reformation is not inevitable

There are no historical inevitabilities and no evolutionary inevitabilities; there are only action potentials and choices. Ancient Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu takes us back to the future: What is of supreme importance in war is to attack the enemy’s strategy. Western civilization is predicated upon objective reality, the Judeo-Christian tradition, and individualism. In America, we celebrate both national sovereignty and the sovereignty of the individual. The nuclear family is the social infrastructure that preserves our culture from generation to generation and honors our American values enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. Being American is the national identity that unites our national family for life in our constitutional republic. Families are America’s strategy for survival.


What is often overlooked in Sun Tzu’s wisdom is that it works as well for the defense as it does for the offense. We now know globalism’s strategic objectives and tactical strategies. And now we are prepared to fight America’s final battle for freedom. We can attack the enemy’s strategy and defend the battlefield: our minds. We can arm ourselves with the most formidable defense against the globalist strategy—psychological adulthood—and restore the glory of American freedom in our reclaimed constitutional republic.

Arm against it

It is our time to demonstrate courage and face the globalist enemy. We cannot allow the enemy’s fear tactics to regress us into compliance. We the People, as psychological adults, must refuse to comply. We must hear Christine Anderson’s voice in our minds, where the battle is being fought:

Once you have made it clear to them that you will no longer go along, once you’ve let them know, they cannot scare you anymore. Because as long as you are afraid of what they might do if you don’t comply, they have power over you. Take the power away from them! Simply say no. Once you do that, they don’t have power over you anymore. You will feel so free. Simply say no.

*Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is is available in paperback, hardback, and ebook formats on,, and directly from Ingram in paperback.

From; appears by arrangement – Ed.


[i] The Impact of Science on Society, Bertrand Russell, Simon and Schuster, 1952, Routledge Classics, 2016 edition;;

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Linda Goudsmit is the devoted wife of Rob and they are the parents of four children and the grandparents of four. She and Rob owned and operated a girls’ clothing store in Michigan for forty years before retiring to the sunny beaches of Florida. A graduate of the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Linda has a lifelong commitment to learning and is an avid reader and observer of life. She is the author of the philosophy book Dear America: Who’s Driving the Bus? and its political sequel, The Book of Humanitarian Hoaxes: Killing America with ‘Kindness’, along with numerous current affairs articles featured on her websites and goudsmit.pundicity.comThe Collapsing American Family: From Bonding to Bondage and her new release, Space Is No Longer the Final Frontier––Reality Is, complete Linda’s quadrangle of insightful books that connect the philosophical, ideological, political, and psychological dots of globalism's War on America and individual sovereignty.

Linda believes the future of our nation requires reviving individualism, restoring meritocracy, and teaching critical-thinking skills to children again. Her illustrated children’s book series, Mimi’s Strategy, offers youngsters new and exciting ways of solving their problems and having their needs met. Mrs. Goudsmit believes that learning to think strategically rather than reacting emotionally is a valuable skill that will empower any child throughout his or her life. Plus, in Linda’s words, “I have yet to meet the child who would prefer a reprimand to a kiss.”


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