In 2008, Capitol restaurants ran $2 million in the red and forced taxpayers to balance their books, according to a now-decased Senator.
Virginia taxpayers could spend $1.4 billion on a new stadium, though its teams have a perfectly good arena in Washington, D.C.
Medicaid spent $389.5 billion in 2022 with too little oversight in how the States are managing the payouts.
Nebraska and federal officials spent $3.7 million in COVID relief funds to prop up an airline that failed anyway.
The U.S. Agency for International Development will grant $1.5 million to American universities for gender and climate studies in Pakistan.
The FCC spent $350,000 in 2008 on an ad on a NASCAR race car to announce the all-digital transition of live TV - and the car...
Gov. Phil Murphy (D-N.J.) has a habit of using the governor's official expense account to buy snacks at events for his personal enjoyment.
If Obamacare expands as proposed, it could cost the taxpayer $128 billion more than people expect it to cost.
The Nebraska Parks Department claimed impossible working hours to receive a federal grant of nearly $16,000.
Nassau University Medical Center is nearly bankrupt but still paid $8.9 million, much of that in pensions, to four retired doctors.