The editor of Planned Man looks at the new Republican Party that just reelected a former President and recaptured the Senate.
The Hispanic Wall broke in 2016 and will do so again, when enough Hispanic voters realize the stakes in the Election of 2024.
Black Americans enslave themselves all over again by sticking with Democrats and continuing to hurl insults at independent thinkers.
Minority voters have gained nothing by staying with the Democratic Party exclusively. If they split their vote, both Parties would notice.
Equality, properly understood and Constitutionally pursued, will save the American experiment and restore civility.
Barack Obama conned the people into a welfare state through his misuse of the phrase brother’s keeper from the Cain story in Genesis.
“A pogrom,” the definition goes, “is an organized massacre of a people.” The events of October 7 in Israel are one example of a pogrom. 9/11...