The globalists are indeed coming for the world’s children – and ironically, Canadian parents realized it first, and other parents should.
Further exploration of transhumanism, and the dangers it poses, at the hands of a maniacal elite who literally plan to live forever.
The insidious message of preventing hurt feelings, destroys competence and deliberately removes any basis for self-esteem.
Yuval Harari pitches the globalist message directly to children, by indoctrinating them in the exaggerated value of cooperation.
Transhumanism is the false ideology of a new kind of oligarchy, which goes by the name of stakeholder capitalism, which maximizes power.
Transgenderism as an ideology has its roots in Gnosticism, the idea that an imperfect "god" created a flawed world that needs improvement.
James Lindsay, of New Discourses, warns young people against the systematic brainwashing campaign of Marxist revolutionaries in America.
Freirean education is the latest refinement on Marxist K-12 education, and amounts to nothing less than brainwashing of children.
Gnosticism, literally a claim to secret and superior knowledge, is the basis for weaponizing language to build a socialistic utopia.
The invention of gender-neutral pronouns serves to revive ancient (and still wrongheaded) ideas of androgyny and pantheism.