Illegals are pouring into this country, and various activists are copacetic with letting them in – until they commit crimes against them.
Fox News is pushing COVID propaganda and seems to be blaming each side of the divide for the other's wrong acts.
Illinois Gov. J. B. Pritzker (D) signed into law a bill to let non-citizens become police officers. This could be tantamount to treason.
Ballotpedia lists more than 1000 declared Presidential candidates. But the Mockingbird Media lets us hear from a relative handful.
Timeless quotes from the Founders and from noteworthy clergymen of the Founding Era have valuable lessons that too many have forgotten.
A couple gave up their dying child’s heart for Martin Luther King’s grandson. This illustrates the sacrifice the Lord made for us all.
Americans have shrunk from enforcing the Law of Moses, once the basis for American common law. Other countries are enforcing that Law.
In contrast to the hirelings of today, Jesus Christ and especially His Apostles and earliest disciples were profiles in great courage.
Why did The Sound of Freedom, completed 5 years ago and released July 4, hit every conceivable obstacle in its making and distribution?
Those who mock God, learn expensively how bad an idea this is - as a certain abominable hireling found out at his own expense.