Volodymyr Zelensky presumes too much when he demands more American money and threatens a need for American troops to fight his war.
Trials of political candidates always raise the danger of politicization of justice. A few reforms might lessen that possibility somewhat.
The General Services Administration (GSA) has tried to deal with unnecessary federal buildings since 1976. (It still faces that problem.)
Federal buildings stand largely empty, because employees who discovered telework during the COVID pandemic haven’t returned to the office.
Democrats have been screaming about an insurrection because that is their long game. They learned well from their tutor, Josef Goebbels.
The U.S. Military needs to build the capability to operate in the Arctic, where the Russian Northern Fleet operates unchallenged.
The Pentagon, with a budget of $832 billion, once again failed an audit, the sixth such failure in as many years.
Florida prison officials spent $3.6 million of federal taxpayers' money to repair their roofs, but ignored inmates' needs.
Gov. Ron DeSantis has had a rollercoaster ride - and Pennsylvania Republican politicians can learn from his struggles.
Inflation, especially in energy, and the open border are all costing Joe Biden the support he would need for reelection.