Britain’s Labour government did not want Donald Trump to win and will inevitably clash with Trump in negotiations to come.
Lanny Davis urges fellow Democrats to return to Bill Clinton’s third way and abandon the extreme left positions on which they just lost.
Donald J. Trump won reelection because he was better than all those who lied about him, and have lost their way.
The federal government ran a $1.8 trillion budget deficit, the largest since the coronavirus days and deepening the national debt further.
Solar and wind, classic Variable Renewable Energy sources, will depend on gas to resolve intermittency until other technologies replace it.
Europe has had many leadership and conversational changes, including on migration, once welcomed, now decried.
China got in on several military research projects of the U.S. Defense Department, thereby enhancing their ability to make war.
Democrats, not Republicans, seek the end, or at least a twisting, of the democratic processes of our Republic.
On the eve of the Election of 2024 came this prediction of more Green New Deal lawfare if Kamala Harris had won the election.
Donald Trump is the one thing that can save America from a debacle like the present UK Labour government. So says MP Nigel Farage.