The Biden Administration's bad governance makes for dangerous days ahead, as America goes head-to-head with Russia, China, and India.
Disinfo 2.0, a/k/a the White House Task Force on Online Harassment and Abuse, is now active and will have a global brief.
President Joe Biden assured reporters of his physical condition after he was seen falling off his bike on Juneteenth weekend.
A federal gas tax holiday would give back maybe ten dollars over the summer and do nothing to address the fundamental supply problem.
Vladimir Putin was “playing hockey” at the weekend, the Kremlin has said, dismissing rumors the Russian president may be suffering from a secret medical illness.
According to the Washington Examiner, the White House is denying claims that an ammunition ban is being considered as part of new gun control legislation following the...
Rep. Jamie Raskin (D-MD) said in an interview this weekend that former president Donald Trump’s reaction to the revelations from the public hearings for the House Select Committee...
Almost six out of 10 Americans think former President Donald Trump was responsible for the events of Jan. 6 and should face criminal charges, an ABC News/Ipsos...
Abortion is the debate that should not be, because a sound society does not tolerate it. America needs a new religious awakening
The State Department appointed its first-ever racial equity and justice special representative on Thursday.