On February 29th, Donald Trump toured the Texas border as part of a campaign event hosted by Governor Greg Abbot. During the event, the Texas Adjutant...
It is axiomatic that“Soldiers win battles, but logistics wins wars.”
An axis of aggressors has embarked on a new strategy to defeat the West: relentless attacks with inexpensive weapons, produced at scale, to provoke a global...
Over the past three years, Oklahoma and 18 other Republican-controlled states passed legislation banning financial firms that pursue an environmental, social and governance (ESG) agenda from...
Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 14th day of June in the year of our Lord 2024. I will...
Congress needs a new system for selecting general and flag officers (GFOs), too many of whom are mediocre or commit criminal acts.
Long viewed as a playground for environmentalists, Vermont has jumped the climate change shark with its new Climate Superfund law. If not halted by judges who...
The Tibbits Opera House received a $500,000 restoration to its original design – and the money hemorrhage hasn’t stopped yet.
Top officials at the Department of Justice are downplaying recently disclosed documents showing FBI agents were authorized to use deadly force during their 2022 raid of...