Trials of political candidates always raise the danger of politicization of justice. A few reforms might lessen that possibility somewhat.
The Colorado Supreme Court disqualified President Donald J. Trump from the Presidential ballot - then stayed its own ruling.
The chairman of Open the Books surveys the acrimonious debate on abortion and concludes: leave it to the individual States.
The January 6 Event is literally on the Supreme Court's docket, as a Representative with police experience closes in on two FBI ghost buses.
Now every American has every reason to acknowledge that election fraud - both vote tampering and manipulation - decided the Election of 2020.
The Saucon Valley school district paid $200,000 to settle a lawsuit by the Satanic Temple and allow a club that doesn't yet exist.
The Democratic Party has a well-developed farm system of tax-exempt non-profits who skirt U.S. law to turn out the base.
The federal government and several leftist organizations formed a public-private partnership to police speech in America.
Has Judge David A. Ezra actually dismissed the Texas river buoy case? Or did Newsweek make the worst mistake a court reporter can make?
Pennsylvania badly need to reform the way it selects judges, especially appellate judges. A popularly elected commission should name them.