Trump and his supporters are now subject to a special January 6 jurisprudence that violates every concept of due process of law.
The Islamic Resistance Movement, or HAMAS, gets a free ride from many on the left, to commit atrocities against Jews.
Texas must shift its floating barrier to the Texas riverbank, according to the Fifth Circuit. But ruling and coverage are fraught with error.
New York State trial judges will be paid $232,000 in four years, more than 47 State governors receive in salary.
The case of Jarkesy v. SEC could end the unconstitutional rule of Administrative Law Judges and return adjudication to the courts.
Free speech is the most important liberty and the first that a tyrannical government restricts – so why is the American government doing it?
X Corp did file their "thermonuclear" lawsuit yesterday - in Texas, whose Attorney General is also investigating Media Matters' conduct.
As Elon Musk prepares to file his lawsuit against Media Matters for America, some powerful allies are rallying to his cause.
Crime is now critical and is destroying America's cities, as prosecutors refuse to prosecute, and crime rises as a direct result.
The January 6 footage, plus witness statements, suggest that everything was peaceful until the Capitol Police opened fire without warning.