Residents of Pennsylvania can take three things away from the Election of 2024, all having to do with the economy.
The Democrats lost nearly everything in Pennsylvania alone, and Democratic Governor Shapiro couldn’t have helped if he tried.
Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, after he won his 270 electoral votes, still held a civil conversation as she called him to concede.
The American electorate averted doomsday by electing a President committed to ending the cycle of war and deficit spending.
Donald Trump literally took out the garbage when he won his world-changing victory in the Election of 2024.
The American left is suffering from a collective psychotic breakdown following the electoral victory of Donald J. Trump.
Britain’s Labour government did not want Donald Trump to win and will inevitably clash with Trump in negotiations to come.
Lanny Davis urges fellow Democrats to return to Bill Clinton’s third way and abandon the extreme left positions on which they just lost.
Donald J. Trump won reelection because he was better than all those who lied about him, and have lost their way.
Donald Trump won his second term, and his supporters agree with him that a historic realignment has taken place.