Elon Musk has hired Linda Yaccarino, former Chair of the Task Force on the Future of Work at the World Economic Forum, as Twitter CEO.
Donald Trump triumphed at the CNN New Hampshire Town Hall event on May 10. But did CNN take a dive to distract from the border?
An NBC News correspondent sneered at Tucker Carlson and at Twitter for allowing him to have a place on the platform.
Disney CEO Robert Iger last night threatened to cancel or curtail $17 billion in planned development in Florida.
Dr. Michael Yeadon resurfaces to tell the world that COVID vaccines, worse than causing infertility, are weapons of mass murder.
Tucker Carlson announced plans to do his signature show on Twitter - as his lawyers struck first in a legal war with Fox.
Gov. Kevin Stitt (R-Oklahoma) effectively defunded his State's PBS "chapter," citing morally objectionable content and an "outdated" concept.
Rumor has Elon Musk and Tucker Carlson having a talk, this in light of the muzzling of Tucker Carlson and the legal war he is ready...
A self-described data scientist - actually a student working on his PhD in statistics - gave a booby prize example of manipulating them.
Have legacy media organs blown racism in America out of all proportion to its actual occurrence? Or did they deliberately provoke it?