Donald J. Trump and J. D. Vance want people to remember that two men tried to kill Trump on two different occasions.
Reviewing Ari Shavit's An Existential War, decrying the complacency into which Israel has fallen and showing a hard way out of it.
Iran and its proxies, including HAMAS and Hezbollah, are a modern Amalek - a group of stone-cold evil people who rate annihilation.
The State of Nevada spent 10 percent of its COVID-19 relief funds on businesses that had no right to receive any such largesse.
FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Agency) in fact is sitting on billions of money budgeted for, but never spent on, prior disasters.
When religion and science agree, a people can derive maximum benefit from both - but in Christian countries they are in needless conflict.
The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is waging cognitive warfare on the populations it is tasked to guard, and the world.
The Sons of Liberty celebrates its documentary on church complicity in tyranny in America, winner of two Christian Media awards.
BigBrain is one step shy of the ultimate replacement of human decision-making with a generalized AI, at the head of a technocracy.
Former White House Adviser David Axelrod taunted conservatives with the prospect of using Hurricane Helene to stop people from voting.