Republican activists in Virginia need to put down the black pill of defeatism and realize their State is in play.
If the world and especially the United States is confused, that’s the result of turning away from God, Who is not the Author of confusion.
The American Church has overlooked a very close missions field: illegal and “temporarily protected” aliens, like the Springfield Haitians!
The real threat to the republic is the indifference of public officials, media personalities, and even some citizens to Trump's near-killing.
The United States should conclude a new deal to withdraw from the Iraq theater, because the benefits of staying are lacking.
Joe Biden promoted solar panel tax credits that help those who can afford a solar installation and do not benefit anyone else.
Civics education became neglected when political discussions became so contentious that teachers feared to discuss how they are decided.
Kamala Harris might have moved on from calling Donald Trump a threat to democracy, but her allies have doubled down on it instead.
The author exposes the Environmental Law Institute’s project to file frivolous climate lawsuits to push policy outside of legislatures.
Pittsburgh attracted a left-leaning group of techies who in the end couldn't make their city work - and other Pennsylvania voters know it.