Yesterday (22 January 2019), after CNAV published the first installment in the Tony Reed v. Creationism series, it received a call from Walter T. Brown. Brown...
On October 27, 2017, one Tony Reed published a YouTube video in his long-running series. He calls it “How Creationism taught me real science.” The specific...
The recent (understandable!) interest in the object Ultima Thule (2014-MU69) reminds us of a puzzle about the outer Solar system. Specifically: just how heavy are all...
Four months of waiting have finally borne fruit. User potholer54 on YouTube at last released his “Part Two” follow-up to his “conservative solution” to global warming....
Science, we hear, should not respect anyone’s moral values, aside from the value of truth itself. Any assertion about a fact of nature is either true...