Democracy has always risked division of the people. George Washington warned against it and its special bane, political parties.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) is a fad that serves to reduce a population to controllable levels and to excuse mass immigration.
Mohammed incited his warriors to kill with the promise of the spoils of war; Mahmoud Abbas carries on the tradition with his pay-to-slay contract.
Autism spectrum disorders are more prevalent and occur more often than ever. Once again: could overuse of ultrasound be the culprit?
Apollo 11 was the greatest achievement in American history. But what can America do today? Without the leadership it had, not much.
Apollo 11, which flew fifty years ago, remains today the most marvelous scientific achievement of the United States. Will we ever repeat it?
On this the fortieth anniversary of the resettlement of Beit Hadassah in Hebron, it is instructive to review its actual, undistorted history.
In America itself, the free market and the concept of republic are under threat as never before. Socialism will destroy both, and with them, basic liberty.
Jimmy Thach, Butch O'Hare, and Paul Tibbets also made the hero's journey during WWII. O'Hare in fact won the Medal of Honor.
College in America today is the most overrated and expensive benefit a government can grant. Is college actually worth four years? How to tell.