A new, bipartisan bill aimed at energy permitting reform promises badly-needed repair of a flawed system making everyone poorer.
Inequality, according to this reviewer, is a hoax meant to justify government programs that make things worse for everyone.
How a new book dispels illusions about inequality in America, including the false idea that poverty levels are stagnant.
Conferences on AIDS (Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome) offered luxuries to their conferees that contributed nothing to a solution.
Reviewing The Myth of American Inequality, showing that the real American economy bears no relation to popular narratives about inequality.
The question for Vice-President Kamala Harris is not about fracking but about the overall policy calculated to make energy more expensive.
Pro-growth economic policies have a broad base of support among voters, even among rank-and-file Democrats – and all want the same thing.
The coming climate patriotism campaign is a manipulative campaign designed to sell punitive “conservation” as a path to independence.
Dolton, Illinois is in financial straits, yet its mayor finds nearlyh $100,000 in a single month on self-promotion and partying.
Over fourteen years, annual GAO reports have saved taxpayers billions, but they could save billions more by eliminating duplication.