Medicare Advantage, sold as a cost-saving measure, actually costs taxpayers 22 percent more, given insurance industry practice.
Atlanta raised the pay of the mayor, city council, and school board, in a process with an obvious conflict of interest.
NASA has gotten into environmental activism, even to farming their research to activist groups, at the expense of their space mission.
The DOD (Department of Defense) cannot reconcile its books because they are literally too confusing to judge for accuracy.
Review of Line in the Sand, a documentary by James O’Keefe counting the full cost of the open border between the United States and Mexico.
The proposed Department of Global Efficiency (DOGE) cannot complete its mission effectively unless Congress specifically authorizes it.
The GOP has the Trifecta - White House, House of Representatives, and Senate. Now it must govern, on the vital kitchen-table issues.
The federal building in Roanoke, Virginia underwent a $100 million plus renovation, and is less safe than before.
Donald Trump has hired two efficiency experts, Elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy, to cut the federal government down to size.
The United States Postal Service bought barcode scanners, and now cannot find seven percent of them, that they bought for $1.2 million.