Yesterday morning the State of Idaho defended its position before the Supreme Court – against a radically pro-abortion administration. As has become fashionable, the Solicitor General...
Joe Feldman has faced many tough crowds in the course of successfully selling his “Grading for Equity” program to school districts across the nation. During the...
Topline: The ultra-conservative House Freedom Caucus opposed this year’s $1.7 trillion federal budget, urging lawmakers to vote against the bill and trigger a government shutdown because...
An AI “pilot” held its own against a human jet fighter pilot, which could mean that all jet fighters will become pilotless.
Marco Rubio, in voting to ban TikTok, shows greater fear of communism – and less confidence in liberty – than Ronald Reagan ever showed.
Grow PA is a set of programs designed to persuade young Pennsylvania residents to stay, thus avoiding stagnation and population decline.
A free press should begin at college – but most campus newspapers skew left, repeat leftist orthodoxy, and censor conservative expression.
Gov. Gavin Newsom (D-Calif.) no doubt wants to become President someday. Perhaps he wants to stand in for Joe Biden should the Democratic National Committee tell...
Topline: The Chinese government refuses to repay over $1 trillion of decades-old bonds held by private American citizens, even though the U.S. is still making payments...
For Jews in the United States and around the world, Monday evening, the beginning of Passover, was supposed to be a time for exchanging blessings of...