College today does not prepare students for the workplace, even assuming that the graduate can find a job in his major.
Various consumer-level companies should thank their customers for the service they often demand of them, in reversal of their mission.
America has much to be thankful for - and Americans can be thankful that America exists as it does, with a moral foundation.
An overview of the current stocks of heavy weapons America now possesses, with attention to the Israel and Ukraine wars.
In October 1989, President George Washington proclaimed a day of thanksgiving, fifty-four years before President Abraham Lincoln did.
In 1982 the Synthetic Fuels Corporation won the Golden Fleece Award for spending $>44K on a study to give its personnel raises.
The Aldine Independent School District in Harris County, Texas tried to take a senior's home for a high-school stadium parking lot.
Geert Wilders, after living under police protection for 19 years, is in good position to become the next Prime Minister of The Netherlands.
Forty-five years ago, 900 people died - or were murdered - at Jonestown. Here is the story of Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.) who died there.
Thanksgiving can be a trying time, but remembering and giving thanks for things to be thankful for, can work wonders.