In Ben-Ami, head of J Street, and Ben Shapiro, who calls for a synagogue on the Temple Mount, you have two radically different Jews. Only one...
The Palestinians cannot claim to be Canaanites, because those people are extinct. Besides, God created the land and gave it to the Jews.
Our forefathers defended liberty with their lives, fortunes and honor. Americans today should do no less, and in fact have greater power.
Democracy has always risked division of the people. George Washington warned against it and its special bane, political parties.
Since Jedi derives from Yehudi (Jewish), the phrase Jewish Jedi is legitimate and can properly describe a Jew primed for mental (or physical) war.
The American church is teaching people to "submit" to corrupt government. That was never the intent of Romans 13 or any other Scripture.
Americans say they love their freedoms. Why then are pulpits empty, stadiums full, athletes overpaid, and society getting sicker?
Elizabeth Warren proposes a wealth tax on, she says, a small portion of the population. That tax would not merely confiscate wealth; it would destroy it.
The latest tactic of Muslims seeking American converts: Tea Time, which is an invitation to a package of subtle falsehoods.
Zero Population Growth (ZPG) is a fad that serves to reduce a population to controllable levels and to excuse mass immigration.