The scandal about Hunter’s laptop is that it’s no scandal, and Hunter unashamedly gets involved with biological warfare. As the laptop shows.
Seventeen years ago, Terri Schiavo died. The reptilian attitudes of the three men directly responsible, show they have no feelings.
Joey Biden messes up again (and almost gets us into a war). Back home, actor slaps actor - and an analyst blames the former President.
Tulsi Gabbard has switched from conservative to ultra-liberal then back to conservative. This makes her unreliable as a voice for liberty.
Cover-ups are the order of the day at Fort Bragg and, one must infer, in other commands where healthy soldiers drop dead. From the vaccine, maybe?
In the Russia-Ukraine War we see the weaponized dollar and its power - while the globalists prepare to destroy cash in the USA.
The New York Times is still not much more than a propaganda machine – and lately had to take back the Great Hunter Biden Laptop Trick.
Joe Biden joins a long line of leaders who lust for the destruction of Israel and the Jews. But God has other ideas, and plans.
President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine came from very uninspiring beginnings, as a performance artist. He does not inspire confidence.
Tell the truth today, and the legacy media call it treason. No one even seems to care where the truth lies anymore.