Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday, the 17th day of May in the year of our Lord 2024. I will...
Four days ago, a candidate in a very crowded primary field decided to make a big splash. She jogged down a street in a known Alphabet...
Voters all over Pennsylvania are changing sides in 2024, often baffling observers, because they are voting personal interest, not identity.
Overshadowed by Hamas’s attack on Israel, the release of the congressionally mandated Strategic Posture Commission (SPC) report heralded the arrival of an American nuclear Zeitenwende –...
Topline: In 2005, the federal government gave a $500,000 grant to music education group B InTune and directed them to report back a year later on...
The Biden administration’s decision to raise tariffs on Chinese-manufactured electric vehicles, steel, computer chips and other technological products is the epitome of a penny wise and...
What would cause a professor to risk losing lifetime tenure? At UNC-Chapel Hill, professors are risking their jobs by threatening to withhold grades until the school...
Electric vehicles (EVs) may be the most subsidized product in America. Federal taxpayers shell out $7,500 every time a new eligible electric vehicle is purchased (usually...
“Sue-till-green” means suing socially unacceptable industries until they go out of business or bow to unreasonable environmental demands.
If ByteDance must sell TikTok, TikTok will never be the same. ByteDance made it what it is, and only ByteDance can keep it that way.