An overview of the current stocks of heavy weapons America now possesses, with attention to the Israel and Ukraine wars.
Trump has made enemies that accuse him of planning summary executions - while themselves calling for HIS execution - over dinner, yet.
Nick Begich III is running for a rematch for Alaska's House At-large seat. But he has to explain why he gave the seat away last Midterms.
Forty-five years ago, 900 people died - or were murdered - at Jonestown. Here is the story of Rep. Leo J. Ryan (D-Calif.) who died there.
The head of a nonpartisan survey group touts a survey showing support for age and term limits for elected officials in the U.S.A.
Thanksgiving can be a trying time, but remembering and giving thanks for things to be thankful for, can work wonders.
Electric vehicles are in fact unworkable, and electrifying the small-vehicle fleet, as the Biden admninistration wants to do, is too costly.
The last day in the life of John F. Kennedy, President of the United States, who fell to an assassin’s bullet sixty years ago today.
The fentanyl letters to election offices, and the coverage of them in the legacy media, show how partisan these outlets have become.
X Corp did file their "thermonuclear" lawsuit yesterday - in Texas, whose Attorney General is also investigating Media Matters' conduct.