The Declaration of Independence sets for many guiding principles too many Americans have forgotten. It's time to remember them.
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.), on June 26, denounced as "not in the Constitution" the separation of faith and state.
The New York Times seems obsessed with getting President Trump, to distract from President Biden, if they have to condone perjury to do it.
Election law looks to dominate the 2022 term of the U.S. Supreme Court, with a major redistricting case having far-reaching implications.
The FBI, according to Rep. Louis Gohmert (R-Texas), acts like the Gestapo, seeming to attack opponents of the President for political reasons.
The world is slouching toward World War III as nations form into armed camps - and corporate interests prepare to sell lots of guns.
The Supreme Court finished its 2021 term, in which it did much to start restoring Constitutional government to the United States.
The Supreme Court issued a split decision on executive powers in America, showing deference in one case and setting limits in another.
Do executive powers have any Constitutional limits? The Supreme Court has two cases left on its docket to decide precisely that.
Nancy Pelosi shoved the daughter of new Rep. Mayra Flores (R-Texas) while she was supposed to be swearing Rep. Flores in.