Modern celebrity culture is not so much Satanic as it is empty – empty of anything remotely transcendent, therefore unfulfilling.
The debate on how to raise boys has boiled over with the injection of feminist political (and critical) theory into that debate.
Transgenderism as an ideology has its roots in Gnosticism, the idea that an imperfect "god" created a flawed world that needs improvement.
The Ford Foundation played a long game to dominate storytelling in America and skew it left. But if conservatives were to play that game,...!
James Lindsay, of New Discourses, warns young people against the systematic brainwashing campaign of Marxist revolutionaries in America.
Actress Lesley-Anne Down remembers the late Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, as national leader, and as a subject to portray.
In reviewing Liberalism as a Way of Life by Alexandre Lefebvre, Peter Berkowitz identifies the core problem with liberal inconsistency.
Bradlee Dean visits the set of “Little House on the Prairie,” where he saw his first proper example of what family is all about.
Lauren Wright argues that campus indoctrination benefits conservative students by giving them intellectual “combat” experience.
Gnosticism, literally a claim to secret and superior knowledge, is the basis for weaponizing language to build a socialistic utopia.