Has Mark Zuckerberg turned into a model social media owner? Or is he pretending, to avoid lawsuits, or prosecution?
Is Donald Trump actually scaring people into leaving America if he wins? Reviewing one particular and pathetic case.
Is a Justice of the Supreme Court betraying that Court by sharing confidential information with a leftist legacy medium?
Remembering Elizabeth Willing Powel, to whom Benjamin Franklin famously said the people now had a republic, if they could keep it.
Independent voters have one value only: they think Parties are political machines. Someone must educate them as to the importance of ideas.
The real threat to the republic is the indifference of public officials, media personalities, and even some citizens to Trump's near-killing.
Did Donald Trump avoid yet another attempt on his life, when an alert officer found a bomb? Why are local police denying it?
The DOJ (Department of Justice) is violating political neutrality and many longstanding rules and procedures to pursue Donald Trump.
The Constitution was intended to reserve most governing powers to the States. A return to that maxim could cool national passions.
Reviewing Yuval Levin's latest book American Covenant, which celebrates the Constitution as what makes us uniquely American.