Disinfo 2.0, a/k/a the White House Task Force on Online Harassment and Abuse, is now active and will have a global brief.
Advocates for the Second Amendment scored a landmark victory today as the Supreme Court struck down a 109-year-old New York law.
The Supreme Court, in Carson v. Makin, thoroughly repudiates the no-State-support-of-religion amendments by James G. Blaine.
A bipartisan group of United States senators unveiled the text of a new federal gun reform bill that, if passed, would be the first major gun safety legislation...
America must become a civilizational state, or go into demographic winter. Herewith a blueprint to make that happen.
Rule of law in the United States has yielded to politics, with elected officials selectively applying the law.
The same legislators creating “gun free zones” are also legislating abortion on demand and other crimes against humanity and the innocent.
Federal firearms dealers are getting their licenses revoked or not renewed by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms at a much greater rate since President...
The January 6 hearings are a kangaroo court designed to write bills of attainder and an ex post facto law. But they are doomed to fail.
Proponents of abortion commonly mis-phrase the question and ignore the body within the body that does not belong to the woman in question.