The same legislators creating “gun free zones” are also legislating abortion on demand and other crimes against humanity and the innocent.
Federal firearms dealers are getting their licenses revoked or not renewed by the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms at a much greater rate since President...
The January 6 hearings are a kangaroo court designed to write bills of attainder and an ex post facto law. But they are doomed to fail.
Proponents of abortion commonly mis-phrase the question and ignore the body within the body that does not belong to the woman in question.
President Joe Biden took aim at “high-caliber” ammunition on Monday, which he said includes the 9mm handgun round, and suggested it should be banned.
President Biden pitched gun control over Memorial Day weekend and told three specific lies about guns, on which his whole case rests.
America has become a target by those seeking to establish a one-world State, which cannot exist while America exists.
Another school shooting has taken place in a gun-free school zone. Those zones work only to get children killed. Politicians need to pay.
The Ministry of Truth, a/k/a Disinformation Governance Board, is under review, by two officials with an anti-liberty history.
A globalist is an enemy of the state as a sovereign state. The latest vehicle for abolishing sovereignty is the World Health Organization.