The Libertarian Party of Colorado shocked election watchers everywhere by suing the State to demand a hand count of paper ballots.
Virginia won one for election integrity, when the Supreme Court stayed an injunction ordering them to keep noncitizens registered to vote.
The Election of 2024 looks a lot like This Is Spinal Tap (1984) with the rhetoric on both sides too loud for ordinary people to listen...
Donald Trump returned to his old city, New York, with an unqualified triumph at Madison Square Garden, as he prepares for the election.
Can abortion doctors really do nothing else but perform abortions? Or were the "doctors" at Kamala Harris' rally mere play-actors?
Donald Trump sat for a three-hour interview with Joe Rogan, breaking records for bandwidth and viewership - and new ground on policy.
The Los Angeles Times suffered a meltdown yesterday after its owner asked the editors to make an unbiased assessment, and they refused.
President Joe Biden actually said to lock up Donald Trump - and though he tried to backtrack, the damage to civility is already done.
CBS News cannot justify, defend, or excuse editing the Kamala Harris 60 minutes interview or concealing the raw transcript.
The Kamala Harris campaign shows every sign of dying, with people already blaming one another for the inevitable loss.