Is Dominion Voting Systems going out of business? The founder and CEO fears so. But they never addressed the allegations against them.
Did Jeffrey Epstein, in addition to his other power games, try to blackmail Bill Gates? If so, two years later he was dead.
Speaker Kevin McCarthy and President Joe Biden will meet May 22 on whether and how high to raise the debt ceiling, and on a national budget.
The one-house legislature of Nebraska passed a new law that will restrict abortion to twelve weeks and forbid trans surgeries on minors.
Bakhmut, a city in Donetsk with a key road nexus, has fallen to Russian and allied forces. This shows that Ukraine cannot win after all.
Virginia is already an abortion tourist trap with three neighboring States banning abortion and a fourth about to restrict it tightly.
The Supreme Court unanimously found that social media are not liable for the bad acts of their users - but did not touch Section 230.
The Texas Mifepristone Case came to oral argument before the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals, with many expecting a ruling against the drug.
Adam Schiff now has a resolution of expulsion pending against him, and the Speaker told an interviewer he should face trial for treason.
Greater Idaho declared victory in its Wallowa County referendum on interstate secession, with 50.3 percent of the ballots now received.