In a move approved by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, snack foods in Canada can now be made with crickets being the main ingredient.
On Tuesday, Russia’s chief of Moscow’s space agency notified President Vladimir Putin that the agency will be withdrawing from the International Space Station (ISS) in 2024....
Officials in New York have handed back 142 stolen antiquities to Italy during a ceremony on Wednesday. The items have a value of $14 million.
As the Biden administration works to keep European nations aligned against Russia, Moscow has reduced energy supplies to the EU even more, according to US officials,...
United States officials say China has been stockpiling grain recently, and urged the Chinese government to release some of its grain supply to countries around the world whose...
A group of climate change activists struck again this week, launching a demonstration in yet another European art gallery, the Galleria Degli Uffizi in Italy, gluing themselves to...
Bridget A. Brink, who is the US Ambassador to Ukraine, has stated America’s intentions to continue supporting Ukraine “support Ukraine for as long as it takes,”...
The Pentagon has floated the idea of supplying Ukraine with fighter jets to aid them in their conflict with Russia.
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has pressed Defense Secretary Anthony Blinken to explicity label Russia as a sponsor or terrorism, or face action from Congress.
During a speech at the UN General Assembly, the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry hit out at the “rolling back of constitutional rights in the United...