Ukraine accused Russian-backed rebels Thursday of shelling a border village as both sides lobbed charges that the other was violating a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine, a...
Health officials will no longer publish Scottish Covid deaths and hospitalizations by vaccine status after data was “inappropriately misinterpreted.”
Hong Kong is planning to test every one of its 7.3 million residents for Covid-19 as a spike in Omicron cases threatens to overwhelm its healthcare...
On Tuesday, about a dozen undocumented migrants attempting to reach the United States border sewed their mouths shut in a gruesome protest over the fact that the Mexican...
The Freedom Convoy 2022 protest in Ottawa, Canada appears to be ending in blood.
A female Malaysian minister has advised her male compatriots to “gently” beat their “stubborn” wives, thus disciplining them for “unruly” behavior. The minister’s statement has been...
According to a former M16 chief, Western governments have exaggerated the risk of a “full-blooded” Russian invasion of Ukraine.
President Joe Biden on Tuesday said the US has “not yet verified” Russia’s claim that some of its forces have withdrawn from the Ukraine border and said an...
Hospitals are at breaking point as Hong Kong is in the midst of its worse Covid outbreak.
The Ontario government is set to drop its proof of vaccination system at the onset of March, and it is also moving up the next phase of COVID-19...