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Republican skulduggery in NJ



Flag of New Jersey

Once again the Republican Party in New Jersey show that they are no better than their Democrat cronies when it comes to deceptiveness. Amazingly, like Obama the Marxist, who blames the Republican Congress for our financial woes of the country, Governor Christie a/k/a “Blunderbuss” blames the Democrat controlled Legislature for their wanton spending under Governor Corzine. (What money? I don’t know where the money disappeared to!)

Now we have Chris Christie and his duplicitous band of pirates. They should walk the plank in 2013 along with the Marxist Democrats.

Transportation Trust Fund reborn

Governor Chris Christie, Republican of New Jersey.

Chris Christie holds a town hall meeting in Hillsborough, NJ, on March 2, 2011. Photo: Bob Jagendorf, CC BY 2.0 Generic License

Let me explain. Most citizens of New Jersey did not know that the Assembly was going to pass A3000, the NJ Transportation Trust Fund Authority Act. Every Republican originally signed on to this bill. But the Assembly withdrew it after alert citizens, mostly Tea Party activists, inundated them with protest. Immediately, many removed their names from the “Act.” Among them: Wolfe, O’Scanlon, Kean (Sean), and Rible. So anyone might believe the “Act” is dead.

We are not so lucky.

These low life frauds just changed the designation. The Assembly bill Transportation Trust Fund Act is now A3205. So beware! They could vote directly after the vote by the Senate this very Monday. You might want to ask your Assemblymen where they stand on this unconstitutional scheme (Act). This is really just another unnecessary bond, putting the people of New Jersey in deeper debt.

Republicans usurping the Constitution!

Yes that what I said. A bill is now pending in the Senate, designated S2020. It lists Senator James Holzapfel as primary sponsor and, as co-sponsors, none other than my very own Senator Robert Singer, in addition to Senators Connors, Thompson, and Penacchio. The Senate will vote on this bill on Monday afternoon.


Many have argued that the Transportation Trust Fund has no funds. That would be deceitful, deceptive, and plain dishonest. In fact, this borrowing of over a quarter of a billion dollars does not restrict itself to the Transportation Trust Fund. They left a loophole by which Governor Christie (yeah, progressive Christie) can use these monies to plug the shortfall in revenues. (The Treasury already says that revenues will be less than expected.)

By law, the State needs the approval of the people to issue bonds. These reprobates are trying to bypass you, the public. In short, borrow without public approval. As this Act stands, the State need not use the monies for transportation only.

Now let’s say someone sues. Say he complains that this funding, that was supposed to go only for transportation, instead is going to plug a revenue shortfall. In short, this is a bond issue without public approval, and breaks the Constitution. We, the taxpayers, are stuck with the legal fees that Christie will spend to defend the Act. If the public wins, the public is also stuck with the legal fees that the court will award. In short, we, the public lose either way.

One has to believe that Governor Christie like Corzine couldn’t care less if he puts New Jersey deeper in debt. After all, if Mitt Romney wins, he’s out of here (possibly as the next US Attorney General) and leaves us to hold the bag. If Romney loses, he can claim he didn’t raise taxes and balanced the budget with the revenues collected, when he campaigns for a second term.

Good luck, Governor Christie. Every day we regret that Steve Lonegan wasn’t the Republican nominee in 2009.


The Eagle.

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It is nearly impossible to stay ahead of these criminals. Connors in my Senator….this is so unlike him…..I am shocked that he would co-sponsor this. His office will hear from me again Monday morning.


Yeah… I got as far as “Obama the Marxist” and gave up on this post.

For a site that purports to be “renewing the fourth estate” its standards of reporting are really lax. Do you have at least three independent, corroborated statements, proving that Obama is indeed a Marxist? No you don’t. So, saying things like “Obama the Marxist” is either a lie, or personal opinion – neither of which belong in an article on a site that purports to be “renewing the fourth estate.” Unless, they don’t know what the fourth estate means, of course.

Or are you just mouthing popularist slogans? It would appear as if it’s the latter – which makes the banner of this site untrue.

Either way, it’s really tacky reporting.

Terry A. Hurlbut

I’ll let my contributor speak for himself. For myself, I look at the policies that Barack H. Obama has implemented and demanded, compare said policies to Marxist policies, and find a near-perfect match. That’s enough for me.


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