Obama to Arizona: Drop Dead
Obama has clearly gone too far. A great American general warned us about this:
I find in existence a….dangerous concept that the members of the armed forces owe their primary allegiance and loyalty to those who temporarily exercise the authority of the executive branch of government, rather than the country and its Constitution they swore to defend. No proposition could be more dangerous.
General of the Army Douglas MacArthur said that in 1951. In that year, President Harry Truman dismissed him from Korea. But General MacArthur was more right than he knew.
It is beyond the pale for the Department of Homeland Security to announce blatantly they will suspend all cooperation between the Immigration and Customs Enforcement service and local sheriffs and police chiefs in Arizona. Never before in American history has any Administration ignored statutory law and the supreme law of the land, the Constitution. The tyrant occupying the Oval Office and his administration arrogance reach a point of treason.
A Call to Action
Obviously, no one told the two-bit Marxist usurper illegally occupying the oval office that the sovereign States created the federal government, not the other way around. (Mr. Justice Antonin Scalia came close.) Though it may come as a shock to this Marxist administration, we are still a Republic. Have you read the Constitution? Your powers are few and limited! But your responsibility is clear:
take care that the laws be faithfully executed.
If we are to preserve this Republic every Governor regardless of political party must immediately join as a single body. Let this unlawful tyrannical Administration know we will no longer adhere to any federal mandate that violates State rights! Hereafter, as sovereign States we will enforce any and all established law by the State, as is our right. A review of Amendment 10 is in order.
If this corrupt administration continues to defy the supreme law of this land, and the Supreme Court’s decisions, every State must/will recall all National Guard Units from active service to return home to protect the sovereignty of their State and there citizens. (Remember the Civil War)?
By law, the conflicts which they are deployed in are illegal. Congress has never declared war. Secondly, if necessary each State will deploy their forces within their own borders and will arrest and incarcerate illegal aliens, and any federal agent that tries to infringe on the rights of their sovereign state.
No one could have said it better than Sheriff Joe Arpaio:
I’m not stopping anything. I’m going to continue to enforce those state laws regardless of what the federal government is trying to put pressure on me to satisfy all these activist…So, I’m not going to bend to federal government, especially when we still have state laws to enforce.
Just a suggestion, Sheriff Joe, and any other Sheriff reading this article: why not deputize every citizen willing to take the oath? (You formed your Cold Case Posse by that method.) As sheriff you have the power and right. Especially since your State, like all others, is under siege. Illegals are overrunning it, and stealing taxpayer monies on entitlements they are not entitled too, since they are here illegally. Screw the bleeding heart liberals!
Hear this, Mr. Obama!
Mr. Obama, you can come at Sheriff Joe, you may have silenced Andrew Breitbart, and your goons will continue to attack Cmdr. Fitzpatrick of Tennessee) who exposed your treason. No one can ever silence true Americans. Nor will we live under any two-bit dictator. Your totalitarian garbage might work in Kenya, but not in the United States. For every one of us you silence, ten more will take our place.
Be in their faces.
Your words, not ours. And that’s exactly where we’ll be – day and night, in your face!
Thus Always to Tyrants
The means of defense against foreign danger historically have become the instruments of tyranny at home. – James Madison
We are a peaceable people that can be pushed just so far. (See the Declaration of Independence.) Be put on notice, we are all aware you are preparing to start martial law if you believe you will lose the election. Sir, that would be a mistake. Your Administration has already violated the Posse Comitatus Act. Does Salem ring a bell? Instead of disciplinary action for General Dempsey’s violation, you promoted him to head the Joint Chiefs of Staff. By the way, why are Federal Troops holding military exercises in the streets of Cincinnati? Why are Russian Troops training with our troops in sensitive areas in Utah and Denver, Colorado. that house NSA and CIA facilities?
Another thing: in the United States we have a 365 day open season on Blue Helmets if they ever enter the property of a US citizen carrying firearms. I remind you of the words of Japanese Naval Marshal General Isoroku Yamamoto:
You cannot invade the mainland United States. There would be a gun behind every blade of grass.
Sir, you are not King. We hereby put you on notice. Your actions over the last three-and-half years have reached the level of high crimes and misdemeanors, as well as treason.
You took an oath to uphold the Constitution. You repeatedly violate that oath. You haven’t even proved to the American people that you are a citizen of the United States, whether per Article I or Article II or even Amendment 14. No birth certificate exists at any Board (or Division) of Elections in any State in the Union. Your only claim is a proved forgery posted on the White House web site. Your Selective Service document is also a forgery. You have more social security numbers than human fingers. (Speaking of fingers—oh, never mind.)
Let every American that has a relative or friend serving in the Armed Services remind them: You took an oath to the US Constitution, not any president or legislative body. You must never obey any order that would violate the rights of any American regardless of what anyone might tell you. Whenever Obama speaks, we know he’s lying. His new alias is Obama-been-lying. God bless all our servicemen and women, and God Bless America
I have two words for you Obama, and there not Happy Birthday.
The Eagle
Supreme Court violates logic, reason and law
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“you may have silenced Andrew Breitbart”
Careful Nicholas, Terry doesn’t allow libelous comments on his blog.
Of course, if Arizona doesn’t like playing to the rules of the rest of the country (not to mention common decency, they can always secede. I’m sure the rest of the Union will happily wave goodbye to that unproductive State, which – along with the rest of the red south – sucks up more federal aid dollars than the rest of the country.
I have seen other evidence suggesting that Andrew Breitbart died from an act of murder.
Sure you have. I put it to you that you have not personally seen anything. All you are doing is regurgitation more clap trap from the ultra rabid right.
And once again – if you have evidence that Obama had Breitbart murdered and you are withholding that evidence, then that is also a crime, yes?
Terry, why do you always have to indulge in insinuation, gossip and innuendo? If you have real evidence of a murder – as opposed to the usual collections of misunderstood nonsense that passes for evidence in your mind – you have a duty to report it. In fact, isn’t it a crime in your country to withhold such information?
In other words, go to the proper authorities with your “evidence” or stop posting rubbish.
So if I’m reading this right, we have:
A call for all members of the armed services to prepare to use force in rebellion against the Federal government elected by the people of all 50 states.
A call for armed civilians to be deputized and prepared to resist with armed force any action by the Federal government they regard as an infringement on their State’s sovereign rights.
Sounds less like “civil disobedience” and more like the Whiskey Rebellion. And lest the nation fall into complete anarchy or a patchwork of 50 balkanized mini-nations, who, Mr. Purpura, are you suggesting shall lead the rebellion against the so-called Tyrants oppressing the rights of states. Who are you looking for to preserve a union the way you want it preserved? Who is your Jefferson Davis, your Robert E. Lee?
I’m sincerely interested in your response, because people so focused on taking something apart to accomplish an agenda seldom have plans for how to put it back together in any way that’s a meaningful improvement. Iraq, anyone?
Your quote from MacArthur reminds me of another mid-twentieth century speech on States Rights. The words can be used in part or whole to echo any number of essays posted on CNaV:
Note that this was Governor George Wallace in 1963, in a proclamation defying the Federal government’s unwarranted intrusion into the State’s “right” to segregate. Since this power wasn’t exclusively granted to the Federal government by the Constitution, he claimed the right to resist Federal law & authority, both with civil disobedience and by force if necessary.
In a “Nicholas Purpura world”, would Wallace or the local sheriffs & deputies have been wrong to use force to resist the Federal actions? Should the National Guard troops defied their orders and turned on their chain of command rather than fulfill orders that supposedly undermined the Constitution instead of defending it?
Talk is easy, Mr. Purpura, but actions have consequences.