Guest Columns
Sukkot: Wave Your Jewish Jedi LightSaber Joyfully
Since Jedi derives from Yehudi (Jewish), the phrase Jewish Jedi is legitimate and can properly describe a Jew primed for mental (or physical) war.

Have you picked up your Jewish Jedi LightSaber this week?
Jewish and Jedi have the same root!
Have you connected to the Force, HaShem, God, the only True Power in the universe, lately?
After 40 days of Teshuva, soul-searching, righting wrongs and cleaning out your shadows, culminating in a 25 Hr. fast (not eating or drinking) to eliminate the dark side from yourself completely, you are now ready to become a Jewish Inner Warrior, a Jewish Jedi.
Jew, Yehudi, Jehudi, Jedi… Get it?
A Jewish Jedi routine
When morning comes, and dawn breaks, start to focus that outer and inner light. Now pick up your Jewish Jedi LightSaber, Lulav & Etrog. Time to go to Jedi training school, either the Beit Midrash or Beit Knesset, Yeshiva or Synagogue, to meditate/daven/pray, go deep into yourself, your soul, and connect to the Force, HaShem, the only True Power in the universe.
When its time for Hallel, the Songs of Praise to the Force; pick up that LightSaber and externalize the Light you’ve been focusing; by making a Bracha, a mindful focused affirmation of intention.
Now joyfully sing the psalms, songs of praise to HaShem, the Force behind all existence.
The Jewish Jedi Warrior
With all your Kavanah, focused intentional effort, you’re now ready to do the Dance of the Jewish Jedi Warrior.
Waving your Lulav/Lightsaber in six directions, back, forth, up, down, right, left (every warrior must find and connect with his own inner path), you create a holy space/hyper-cube, with you at the center, in Devekut/blissfully focused, cleaving to HaShem/the Force of all Good in the universe.
When you’re finished singing His praises, you’ll practice marching in true Jewish military style.
During the Hoshana Songs, the doors of the House of the Holy Scroll, the Aron HaKodesh, are opened up. Revealing the Scroll of Truth/the Holy Torah. Time to joyfully praise and connect to the Force, while circling around the Torah and the Bimah, the central reading table.
This enables you to further bring down, connect to, focus, and externalize the Light of the Force, HaShem’s spiritual energy, the Force of Life in the universe.
His Light is your light
His Light, becomes your light. His Light and Life Energy pulses through you, your Lulav, and out into the street, your neighborhood, community, and the world.
And, when you leave Jedi training school for the day, you’re re-energized and re-JEW-venated to bring HaShem’s Light and Love, His Goodness and Blessing to all you meet.
Have you picked up your Jewish Jedi LightSaber this Sukkot?
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master’s Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
© 2019/5780 Pasko
About the image
This memorial to the Six-day War stands on the road to Jerusalem. Photo: CNAV.
Ariel Natan Pasko, an independent analyst and consultant, has a Master's Degree specializing in International Relations, Political Economy & Policy Analysis. His articles appear regularly on numerous news/views and think-tank websites and in newspapers. His latest articles can also be read on his archive: The Think Tank by Ariel Natan Pasko.
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