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It’s for the common bad

The Democrats took control of government and laid on a 25,000 strong show of force. A sad metaphor for a sadder intent on their part.



The Capitol in a happier time, before the Democrats took control in 2021.

Hello, this is Darrell Castle with today’s Castle Report. This is Friday the 22nd day of January in the year 2021. On this Report, I will be talking about the militarization of Washington D.C., the inauguration, and the upcoming Democrat administration with an eye toward what is really going on with all the chaos.

Castle family update

First things first, however. The Castle family is doing fine in its efforts to cope. We are all in good health and we are finding reasons to celebrate that have nothing to do with Washington. Despite the problems, headaches, and hassles of life in the city of angels, the family daughter is doing fine as well.

Razor wire in the capital: symbol of iron control

I have had quite a bit of experience with wire in my life of travels. I know that there is nothing that makes one feel as comfortable as armed soldiers standing behind chain link fences topped with razor wire. We may not be able to protect our borders with wire or anything else. But we can sure protect our politicians and turn our capital into a militarized city. In the end all the military hoopla turned out to be much ado about nothing. The Democrats had to protect the inauguration from domestic terrorists. What is that? Well, its anyone who disagrees with the prevailing intellectual dogma of the Democrat Party.

Revolution is what the Democrats have waged against America, its constitution, the rule of law, and the centuries of English legal tradition. It is a war being fought primarily against that center of America known to Democrats as the deplorables. Democrat politicians must have some object upon which to focus their wrath, to inspire their base, and to raise funds and that object is middle America. We deplorables are unfortunately getting used to being hated and demonized.

Joe Biden has served his purpose

Joe Biden has been sworn in so what did he say in his inaugural address? Who cares, what difference could his words possibly make? He took an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. And he immediately went to the White House and violated that oath. Yes, I take the position that rule by executive order is unconstitutional. I know that Trump did it too, but that doesn’t make it any less unconstitutional.


The purpose of this report is not to attack Joe Biden, but to attack his ideology. His Democrat handlers will do a fine job of attacking him personally very soon. Left wing sites are already starting to publicly discuss his cognitive decline. Damaging him is not damaging the cause anymore. Because the Democrat power brokers have a San Francisco progressive waiting in the wings.

And she will be completely beholden to them. Joe has served his purpose and realized his life’s ambition so he can go away anytime that he is no longer useful to them.

A modern Father Niemöller speaks to the new control regime

I am going to defer now to the eloquent words of a Lutheran pastor named Larry Beane whom I met through the newsletter of Pastor Beane:

I want to commend the left. They are much better at government than the right, the left understands that governance is ruthlessness. They understand that you succeed by social and political tyranny, by quashing free speech, by crushing dissent with mob rule and fear, by control of information, by dominating all the institutions of society, by seizing the reigns of power, like pyramiding interest upon interest to build a fortune out of thin air.

The left has fostered cancel culture and has rolled back all standards of law and order and decency to where those who disagree will be removed. It is a fact of life. And fear of being un-personed and unable to provide for one’s family is the ultimate means of totalitarian control.

The goal: control

Whether this is done by hard tyranny with boxcars and camps, or soft tyranny with social credit control, it doesn’t matter. The goal is control, total and unquestionable, unchallenge-able control. The left understands that the news and history are not things to report, but things to control and use for the sake of control of people. They understand the iron fist and the velvet glove. They understand how to remake education into propaganda—for control. They also understand that the real power is not the doddering demented figurehead—but rather the power is in the deep state, the swamp, the murky underbelly where deals and threats are made. For that is where the behind-the-scenes control resides and multiplies.

And while most Americans are either too naïve, stupid, or distracted—or afraid—to fight back, while they are easily bought off with promises of free stuff and enforced equality (promises made by every despotic regime in history), and while useful idiots believe fairy tales by CIA operatives on “news Channels” pushing silly conspiracy theories about an “insurrection” and a “coup attempt” (all the while footage from 2016 Inauguration Day violence and actual 2020 insurrections are available for all to see), the slack-jawed subordinates follow along like zombie lemmings empowering the very people who will enslave them.

Cowards on the right

The right, on the other hand, seems to be populated by nihilistic, intellectual cowards who have no principles and no set of beliefs worth risking everything for. They have nothing worth the backbone it takes to defend anything. They have nothing but empty promises made by empty suits that are just images on a video screen.

The New York Times wonders on its editorial pages if Trump’s lies have made free speech a “threat to democracy.” They argue that free speech is not guaranteed if it harms others. And of course they are the arbiters of what is harmful. The tech giants, the universities, the corporations, and especially the media agree on one thing however. And that is that de-platforming people, even the president, does not constitute a denial of free speech. That’s how most tyrannies begin by censoring contrary thought.

Good does not unify with evil

There was a time not that long ago when we as Americans shared certain common ideas, and a common bond. We respected the constitution, and we took oaths to preserve it, and when necessary we fought for it. We defended the ideas upon which Western civilization are based. And we understood why we believed those things. Perhaps with a faint memory of the ideas which are now dead, the president did make a call for unity in his speech, and I now quote from that speech:


We must end this uncivil war that pits red against blue, rural versus urban, conservative versus liberal. We can do this if we open our souls instead of hardening our hearts, if we show a little tolerance and humility, and if we’re willing to stand in the other person’s shoes—as my mom would say, “Just for a moment stand in their shoes.

The problem with unity Mr. President is that we cannot unify with evil. For as the apostle Paul said in his letter to the Ephesians:

For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.Ephesians 6:12

I think that is what we are doing Mr. President, wrestling against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Means of control: turning truth upside down

It seems that I went to sleep last night and woke up in a parallel hostile universe. I used to debate my brother-in-law about whether parallel universes exist or not. And it seems that I was proven correct. In this universe there is a spiritual void caused by exposure to and believing what we read on social media and by the way the media portrays the new world to us. It is a completely upside down or opposite world that we now live in.

Evil is good and good is evil. The vile, vulgar, and profane are good and law abiding, God fearing are bad. We are most likely going to have our first female president soon. The same woman who was the first candidate eliminated in the Democrat primaries. Other countries have had female leaders without making some type of Hollywood celebrity freak show out of it, but I suppose that is part of the parallel universe world of opposites.

Trump refused their control, so…

The Biden/Harris inauguration ends one of the most shameful and frightening episodes in American history. For four years the Democrats pursued Donald Trump with a vengeance corrupting some of the most important agencies in the US government along the way. Agencies like the FBI, CIA, and the Department of Justice. When their never-ending witch hunt, caught no witches, they fraudulently removed him from office by election. No court would even look at the evidence of fraud assembled by his legal team, and no wonder. He was a barbarian at the gates of the global order, and a bull thrashing around in their china shop.


The implications of this corruption are indeed frightening because we now know or at least it should be obvious that unless we agree with and adhere to the prevailing agenda put forward by the Democrat Party any of us could be ruined at any time. Very few of us have the financial resources of Donald Trump and so it is far easier and safer to just submit.

A symbolic end to liberty?

The events of the day of Epiphany January 6th were a symbolic end to the beliefs that Americans have always cherished. Those cherished ideals such as equality before the law, we will be treated fairly and impartially by the judicial process, and we have the bill of rights that guarantee us a trial by jury. That is, the bill of rights protects and enshrines a right already given by God. In the minds of many Americans, it is all gone now.

Finally, folks, perhaps we can clean things up, fix what is broken, recover what has been lost. On the other hand, maybe the past is gone forever. Maybe the damage is too great to ever be repaired. Is it possible that any ruler could restore the empire to its former greatness? Not very likely I’m afraid.

At least that’s the way I see it.

Until next time folks,


This is Darrell Castle.

This article appears here originally and in CNAV by permission.

Editor’s Notes

As of this posting, Governors Ron DeSantis (R-Fla.) and Greg Abbott (R-Texas) have withdrawn their National Guard contingents. Gov. DeSantis explicitly said he would not have his Guardsmen acting as “Nancy Pelosi’s servants.” Gov. Abbott already had excoriated the incoming administration over the “vetting” of Guardsmen over their political views.

We now hear details of shameful disrespect of Guardsmen. First the civil authorities bivouaced them, if you can call it that, on hard marble floors with no cots in the Capitol and various House and Senate office buildings. Now comes word that the authorities evicted them to a parking deck. Tellingly, Donald J. Trump—who still owns his hotel chain—put those Guardsmen up in his hotel in the city.

About the image

“Washington DC” by eGuide Travel is licensed under CC BY 2.0

Darrell L. Castle
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Darrell Castle is an attorney in Memphis, Tennessee, a former USMC Combat Officer, 2008 Vice Presidential nominee, and 2016 Presidential nominee. Darrell gives his unique analysis of current national and international events from a historical and constitutional perspective. You can subscribe to Darrell's weekly podcast at

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[…] is not the militia. It answers to a State governor. And we all know how that’s working out in the militarization of Washington, […]


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