A call to all Paul Reveres far and wide
Paul Revere famously rode to warn local residents that the British were coming. Modern Paul Reveres must ride to warn that the Democrats are coming.

“One if by land and two if by sea;
And I on the opposite shore will be,
Ready to ride and spread the alarm
Through every Middlesex village and farm,
For the country folk to be up and to arm.”
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
The Paul Revere Midnight Ride
In 1775, Paul Revere rode a horse lent to him by John Larkin (deacon of the Old North Church in Charlestown, Massachusetts) to Lexington, Massachusetts to warn the Minutemen that the British were coming. He was just an ordinary man, a silversmith by trade who sold his goods throughout Boston. But he was, by modern day standards, an activist, a patriot, a man who risked everything to save his young country.
Although this is old news, the heart of a Paul Revere patriot beats in syncopation inside ordinary people throughout America. The beats are palpable. They are passionate. They cry out for good people to do something.
This time the British are not coming. We defeated them. We fought them with everything we had and beat them back to their own continent. But now forces inside our own country are unabashedly stealing the governmental underpinnings of our country and seeking to replace our Democratic Republic with the codified mechanisms of communist regimes throughout history, and make them our Government for Life!
They Are Dead Serious
Just as the Democrats were dead serious about ridding America of President Donald J. Trump in 2020, they are equally serious about never having to suffer another electoral defeat that would relegate them to humiliating safe rooms and out-of-control screaming at the sky. They are not strategizing about future elections by supporting good quality candidates and policies. Instead, they are planning to grab power for life by shoving through legislation that would guarantee their wins at the ballot box by-among other manipulations-repudiating voter IDs and sanctioning the highly fishy mail-in-voting. This is the playbook of the new Socialist Democrats.
They grab, steal or seize what they have not legitimately earned. They lost 13 seats in the House of Representatives in 2020. Consequently, they have a numbers conundrum. To fix this, Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi aims to take away the seat from Mariannette Miller-Meeks in Iowa. Meeks won that election and it was certified 5-0 by a Bipartisan group of election officials.1
Democrats are dead serious. Hear ye. Hear ye. We are about to lose our country. It will feel like watching a family member drown in the sea while witnessing the horrifying scene in horror from the shore.
The Undertow is Deadly
One Democrat strategy is revising the Senate filibuster rules to slide legislation like HR 1 – the deceptively called ‘For the People Act–to the finish line with just a simple majority vote. This legislation would then be speeded into law purely based on party line ideology. Law making was designed to be hard. It was designed to be tedious. It was designed for endless debate. It was designed by our Founders to be serious because governing was their aim. It was not designed to rule We the People!
Why the filibuster matters – another Paul Revere moment
Amending the filibuster rule is nothing more than a Democrat power grab for One Party Rule.
Donald A. Ritchie, the Senate’s official historian emeritus, wrote, “A filibuster is any device used by a minority to prevent a vote because presumably the majority would win.” It is an operating tool that lawmakers established for their respective chambers as their governing rules. Our Founders designed the Senate to be a check on the House of Representatives which in theory, is the People’s Representatives.
Because it was believed that the Representatives could be swayed and impassioned by their constituency, the filibuster was developed as a stall device used by the Senate for either cooler heads to prevail or to stop a Bill dead in its tracks.
Stopping the filibuster is very old school. It is the call of nature that stops the filibuster. In other words, a potty call. But the Democrats want to manipulate centuries-old tradition to their advantage so that our legislature operates as a rubber stamp for liberalism, Leftism, Communism, Fascism and Progressivism.
America itself would be thereby caught in a relentless undertow.
HR 1 Will Drown Us All
- For the People Act is a deceptive title meant to daze and confuse you.
- Banning voter ID. Internet-only registration with electronic signature submission is subject to massive fraud.
- Nationalized voting including for illegal aliens. Once you get a driver’s license, you are automatically registered to vote. This is brazenly unconstitutional.
- 16-year-olds will be required to be registered to vote, insuring that children who haven’t even been taught American History will vote as Democrats instruct them to.
- Nationwide same-day registration, another scheme to boost Democrat votes.
- $25M grants used to involve minors in election activities. This is called brainwashing.
- No attempts allowed to clean voter rolls of non-residents, dead people or non-citizens.
- Murderers and rapists can vote.
- Mandatory early voting, yet another scheme to boost Democrat votes.
- DC statehood and territory statehood to swell Democrat numbers.
- Grants federal workers (mostly Democrats) six days of PAID vacation to work polls. Six days for a one-day event! Mmmmm … suspicious at the very least!
- Stiff penalties for anyone who “harasses” poll workers and government administrators. Actually, this should reap Republicans and Conservatives quite a bit of money since they are the only ones harassed at the polls!
- Questioning election results can be prosecuted under the umbrella definition of what constitutes harassment! This is beyond unconstitutional … this is the absolute destruction and removal of the First Amendment of Free Speech granted by God not Democrats!
Adrift Without A Life Jacket
If you are reading the above and feeling the futility of it all, know that you are not alone. Throughout history, good, law abiding people felt the sledge hammer of tyranny boxing them into a heavily guarded plantation. In a way, political strategists rely on keeping you up at night with angst. It suits them. They want to weaken you with the sense of helplessness and hopelessness. A “ruling” government demanding strict obedience to its authority in exchange for your personal freedom is the operating procedure of the Biden regime.
Keep this term on the front burner of your mind: “Authoritarian Thinking.”
Keep it there so you will always be tethered to reason. When you read likable/eye catching labels on Bills or in speeches or in Q and A’s, you’ll quickly realize that you are being corralled by slick authoritarian words. Words meant to galvanize your attention and to seduce you.
We Are All Paul Revere Spirits Now
Human beings are not meant to live drifting alone in a dangerous sea of angst and uncertainty. We have freedom coursing through our veins. We yearn for the liberties for which our Founders, our Forefathers and our heroes throughout the centuries have fought and died.
Many of us channel the unbreakable spirit of Paul Revere. Others, to their credit, are willing to be backup reinforcements and still others are willing to be the lookouts. Hear ye, Hear ye, We the People have to do something now. We cannot wait to find out our fate if HR 1 works its way through the legislative process. We will not wait.
This is what to do:
- CALL your representatives (Congresspeople and Senators) at least twice a week. Numbers count! Their phone numbers and e-mail addresses are easily accessed online. Flood their telephone lines!
- PERSIST! Keep up the drumbeat! The more people who register their protest, the better chance of killing horrible legislation. And the more people who support those elected officials who are fighting the leftist onslaught, the better!
- WRITE ON SOCIAL MEDIA and do not be intimidated by the angry leftist feedback you receive. The more they hate you, the more you are making a difference!
- EMAIL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES Again, their emails are easy to access online.
- MARCH IN FRONT OF YOUR REPRESENTATIVE’S OFFICE IN A SANDWHICH BOARD. You know, the advertising slung over shoulders so that message is seen by viewers on front and back of person wearing sandwich board. Be brave!
We the People have the power. Let us use it! Hear ye, hear ye. The Democrats are coming!
Editor’s Updates
1 Rita Hart, the Democratic challenger in this race, conceded defeat. When she did that, she killed the attempt to steal the Miller-Meeks seat.
Jayne Friedman, a native New Yorker who now lives in Cave Creek, Arizona is a Range Safety Officer and a National Rifle Association certified pistol instructor.
She teaches firearm skills to former victims of crimes as well as those interested in their personal defense.
Jayne began political activism in 2010. The formation of the Tea Party galvanized her passionate conviction to conservative ideals and policies. As a lifelong writer, she focused her goal on writing political commentary primarily on social media. She is now sharing her insights with a wider audience.
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