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Rep. McCarthy says GOP should avoid using impeachment against President Biden as a political attack



House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy said in an interview this weekend that Republicans should tread carefully when weighing if and why to impeach President Biden if the GOP should win back both houses of Congress in the midterms.

When asked if he would back impeaching Biden if Republicans take back the House “One thing we learned that the Democrats did is they – they used impeachment for political reasons,” McCarthy told Fox Business host Maria Bartiromo on Sunday.

“We believe in the rule of law,” McCarthy continued. “We’re not going to pick and choose just because somebody has power. We’re going to uphold the law. At any time, if someone breaks the law and the ramification becomes impeachment, we would move towards that. But we’re not going to use it for political purposes.”

McCarthy is aiming to become Speaker of the House if the GOP takes control in the midterms, but warned against impeachment proceedings for unworthy reasons.

“We will take the facts to wherever the facts go, because America’s been through too much with people playing politics with the concept of impeachment,” he said. “But if it rises to that level, we would have the law determine that.”

Terry A. Hurlbut
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Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

What people have to remember is that Mr Biden is not President and Mrs Harris is not Vice-President. If the Electoral College was electing the President and Vice-President individually as specified in Amendment 12 Mr BIden would be President. But the Electoral College is selecting the President and Vice-President as a team. Mrs Harris is not a natural born Citizen of the US, and was not alive when the US Constitution was adopted. She is not even a US citizen unless she was naturalized at some point after her birth. Amendment 14 did not give her US citizenship since her parents were not immigrants. Amendment 14 is CONDITIONAL soil based citizenship. The US Supreme Court Elk and Ark cases discuss what Amendment 14 does.

In addition Mr Obama was never President either and Mr Biden was never Vice-President. And the McCain/Palin team was invalid as well. Neither Mr Obama or Mr McCain are or were natural born Citizens of the US. Mr Obama is, and Mr McCain was, what is called a native born Citizen, a term that has fallen out of use since the 1830s/1840s. Mr Obama only had a US citizen mother and Mr McCain was not born in the US. To be natural born Citizen of a country one must be born in the country of a mother who is a citizen of the country and a father who is a citizen of the country.

Welcome to the Constitutional Crisis that has been going on for over 16 years now.


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