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Coalition of abortion clinics file lawsuit to halt Ohio’s abortion ban



A coalition of clinics in Ohio have filed new lawsuit seeking to prevent the enforcement of a post-Roe abortion ban, which would block nearly all access to abortion after the 6-week mark in the pregnancy.

The coalition, which includes behind the case, which includes Planned Parenthood Southwest Ohio Region, Dr. Liner, Planned Parenthood Greater Ohio, Women’s Med Group Professional Corporation, and the Toledo Women’s Center, initially filed their concerns with Ohio’s Supreme Court, however after a long period of inaction, the group requested dismissal of this case and are now backing a new effort seeking a temporary restraining order stopping the law. 

A hearing in the new case is penciled in for September 8th, according to the group. The coalition laid out arguments in the new lawsuit, claiming that the restrictive abortion ban violates the privacy rights of Ohio’s citizens and discriminates against women in the state. 

After the U.S. Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade, which left the legality of abortion up to individual states, pro-choice advocates have continued to push for easy access to abortion in states that have moved to ban it. The advocates have consistently pointed out rights, which they say are enshrined in state constitutions to cement their arguments.

“We couldn’t wait any longer,” said Freda Levenson, an attorney with the American Civil Liberties Union of Ohio. “Things were taking so long in the Ohio Supreme Court. It’s been over two months of ongoing and worsening damage across the state.”


“Many patients broke down in tears in our office,” Dr. Sharon Liner, the medical director at Planned Parenthood of Southwest Ohio, said in an affidavit. “Many patients that we could not reach by phone who came to our health center expecting to have their appointment were extremely upset; some threatened to hurt themselves because they were so distraught.”

The new lawsuit was filed last Friday in Hamilton County. The county is the largest in the state and includes Cincinnati, a highly populated, southern city.

President Joe Biden recently mentioned the possibility of restoring abortion protections back into federal law if Democrats can build on their Senate majority. Their aim would be to change the filibuster rules which would allow laws to be passed on a simple majority basis.

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Donald R. Laster, Jr

The abortion movement is about eliminating children and personal responsibility. And people need to learn the real history of groups like Planned Parenthood.

Donald R. Laster, Jr

And consider the logic the pro-abortion movement use to justify killing unborn children – by their logic suicide, prostitution, self-mutilation and other things one does to their body, should be allowed – after all it is “My body My choice”.


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