Let My People Go – a review
Over the weekend, Jim Hoft at The Gateway Pundit reminded everyone of something even Donald Trump’s supporters forgot. Neither Donald Trump nor anyone else should ever have counted on Brad “Riff Raff” Raffensperger, Secretary of State of Georgia. He and his “Chief Operating Officer” (and direct appointee) Gabriel Sterling were themselves responsible for excluding Republican poll watchers from the polls, and hiring Officers of Election on the recommendation of the American Civil Liberties Union to handle and count mail-in absentee ballots. And they are doing it again this year. For that reason, CNAV is today reviewing Let My People Go, a heartfelt – and instructive – documentary of the theft of the Election of 2020, and the methods. But CNAV doubts that anyone has reviewed this film from the perspective of a three-year veteran Officer of Election (OOE).
Let My People Go the movie
Let My People Go, which Conservative Daily released in 2023, runs for two hours and fifteen minutes.
David Clements, the producer and narrator, was a law professor at the University of New Mexico. Was, that is, until he started sounding alarms about how the Election of 2020 was run. The infamous Stairstep Results, in which people literally went to bed anticipating a Trump win and woke up to see Biden take the lead with a near-vertical jump in the popular vote, instantly alarmed him. Quite simply, that result violates the Law of Large Numbers (“Law of Averages”). This iron law of game theory states that if game trial-and-win results do not comport to analytical expectations, somebody cheated.
He begins with an animated cartoon showing how people normally perceive that elections run. This cartoon treats the in-person voting process that actually has been in place since shortly before 2010 in most jurisdictions. In or earlier than that year, States were replacing their Diebold touch-membrane voting machines with an ostensibly paper-based system. But in fact these systems use paper ballots that a voter marks by filling in ovals, or that come out of Ballot Marking Devices. (And the latter ballots could be gigantic Quick-read codes that a human being can’t even read.) Voters then feed such ballots into an optical scanner-tabulator that produces a final count after the close of polls.
Recognizable characters
Anyone who has voted in person since the first decade of this century will recognize some of the supporting cast. Officers of Election that look up voters’ names in an electronic pollbook are classic Little Old Ladies In Tennis Shoes. (Actually they wear high heels, which your editor, as an OOE, has never seen a female OOE wear on duty. They also look and sound like schoolmarms, which Clements means to suggest intimidation of voters.) But the ones guarding the scanner-tabulator are a different sort: obvious Democratic Party activists. (One of them looks a little like Shaye Moss, who with fellow OOE Ruby Freeman famously sued Attorney Rudy Giuliani for defamation of character. The trouble is, those two, plus one other, have a damning record against them concerning their conduct of the election in the State Farm Arena in Atlanta.)
Let My People Go goes on to discuss those who are still languishing in prison for their alleged role in the January 6 Event. But David Clements doesn’t concern himself with that event being a false-flag pseudo-operation. Rather, he concerns himself with the provocation of that event: the infamous Stairstep Graph. More than that, he explains how the Stairstep Graph came about. For those willing to pay attention, he offers a devastating critique of current electronic voting systems, and the abuses that must have occurred on the night of November 3, 2020.
Let My People Go reveals the steps of the problem
Clements treats four steps in the voting and tabulation process, and shows how each contributed to the Stairstep Result. First, a voter steps up to a table where two OOEs assure him that he need not present any identification! All they need, they tell him, is his last name. What they don’t tell him is that the electronic pollbooks (EPBs) they use, get real-time updates during the night from other Boards of Election across the State. That is how they know that the voter has shown up only that once in their precinct. But, of course, that is how the bad actors can adjust the voter rolls on the fly. It is also how they can adjust the total vote in the last fifteen minutes before close of polls. Clements has witnesses – OOEs of good heart – testifying to their total-vote counts jumping by the hundreds in those fifteen minutes.
Next comes the marking of the ballot. Clements devotes only a sentence or two to the kind of Ballot Marking Device (BMD) that produces a non-human-readable QR Code. Instead he discusses the strict requirements voters must meet as they mark their ballots. This includes using a felt-tip marker (which the OOEs supply) to mark the ballots. Those felt-tips turn out to produce marks that the software can deliberately misread.
Two more steps
Third, the voter (or the OOE) feeds the marked (or pre-printed) ballot into a scanner-tabulator. That’s the first place where someone can change the votes for each candidate on the fly. Those scanner-tabulators are not supposed to have an Internet connection. How, then, could some Chiefs of Precinct call the vendor and ask for an instantaneous software update?
Fourth – and this process is likely new to readers – the total votes flow from central “unit” authorities to a site out of the country and then back within U.S. territory. These are the precinct reports that CNN, Politico, et al. use to report running totals of votes!
Clements only hints at pre-filled-out ballots for Biden stored under the OOEs’ tables. The viewer sees that when one of the Democratic activist OOEs negligently forgets to smooth down the tablecloth. Her partner digs her elbow into her side, and presto change-o, the tablecloth comes down to cover the “suitcase” marked BIDEN BALLOTS.
Clements goes through this exercise to make a point: voters cannot be sure of electronic voting systems. To reply to one point: all the flaws mentioned thus far, pertain to Dominion Voting Systems. Your editor’s jurisdiction uses Electronic Systems and Software, with a number of changes in the process from EPB to scanner-tabulator. The problem: both ES&S and Dominion use the same software for processing State-wide results. That’s another place where a bad actor can adjust vote totals, and no one would be any the wiser.
PID Controller
Let My People Go suffers from a big “craft” problem: some things a viewer won’t understand on first viewing. Chief among these is the PID Controller problem. PID stands for Proportional-Integral-Derivative. This is a control-loop protocol that employs negative feedback to adjust a liquid level, or temperature, or electromotive potential (“voltage”), or current (“amperage”),or other quantity to a pre-determined set point. Clements alleges that, at the level of nationwide totals processing, someone sets a point above which they will not permit Donald Trump’s vote totals to go. The instant it does, the system bleeds in enough Biden votes to bring Trump’s total back below fifty percent.
Clements compares results from Maricopa County, Arizona (which uses Dominion) to those from Pima County (which uses ES&S). He alleges that both counties showed identical progressions, and occasional reversals, of results as time wore on. Conclusion: it doesn’t matter whether a county or other unit uses Dominion or ES&S. Someone has made sure that results will be the same.
Trump “lost” because the powers-that-be applied their PID controller and other techniques in five or six States where they could. Separately, Mike Lindell has alleged that Texas, for example, had many more votes for Trump than the final tally indicated. Trump took Texas because Biden lacked the cheater’s baseline at a level to make this PID controller protocol feasible. (Anyone familiar with HVAC systems knows that good PID control is not always feasible in the coldest or hottest weather.)
Fact-checking Let My People Go
Your editor became an Officer of Election in 2021, after Steve Bannon popularized the Precinct Strategy. The theory is simple: better to be the OOE than to complain about their conduct afterward.
Our “unit” uses ES&S, and likely does not implement a standard protocol. Today’s EPBs communicate via Bluetooth to an EPB server that we affectionately call Merlin. The Board of Elections preloads Merlin with a roster of voters within our unit. And unlike the case with Dominion, no OOE can use an ES&S pollbook to order pizza or some such thing. These EPBs really do not connect to the Internet.
If a voter shows up at the wrong precinct, the team knows it. If the voter doesn’t have time to get to the correct precinct, he or she must vote a provisional ballot. All provisional ballots go before the Board for adjudication.
Our precinct teams use the BMD only if a handicapped voter can’t hold a pen. In his three years as an OOE, your editor has never seen the BMD in use. Voters mark their ballots using ball-point pens, which the team provides. But those pens are of the most common make: Bic® pens, that anyone can buy at a stationer’s or drug store! Or they may bring and use their own pens. Blue ink or black, doesn’t matter.
The ES-200 scanner-tabulator does not connect to the Internet either. If it did, any of us could see that on his cellphone, if he knew how to look.
Consistency checks
Every thirty minutes, the Chief or his Assistant orders a consistency check. EPB and scanner-tabulator Public Counts must match, or the Chief will know the reason why. And as mentioned, the EPB has access to the total number of voters in the unit but not to voters outside of our unit.
At day’s end, the Chief “runs the tape” on the scanner. He then calls the results in to the Election Board, repeating them loudly enough for the team to overhear. After that he transports the tapes, and all used and unused ballots, back to the Board. The team counts these ballots and must account for every ballot, whether unused, marked, provisional, or “spoiled.” Spoliation of a ballot happens when a voter marks it incorrectly. And no one inserts any paper into a scanner that is not of the proper bond.
The Chief and his Assistant must, by law and regulation, be members of opposite Parties. In addition, the Board assigns regular Officers at parity, meaning as many Republicans as Democrats. That requires Republicans to become OOEs – as many of us, including me, did in 2021.
All of which to say that the Board of Elections and its OOEs are dedicated to running clean, on-the-level elections. But we can’t do anything about the Board of Elections or the OOEs in, say, Fairfax County, Virginia, should they decide to run a crooked election.
What Let My People Go recommends
Besides pardons for the January 6 prisoners, Let My People Go obviously recommends hand counting of paper ballots. Many jurisdictions in Georgia and elsewhere have already decided on such a system. The French have famously done it since 1975, with no plans to change.
But David Clements did not cover specific crooked Secretaries of State or Chairs of Boards of Elections. The most notorious of these is Brad Raffensperger, who has a federal case pending against him. (A case that a leftist brought!) Recall Jim Hoft’s warning about Raffensperger. Hoft also furnished this video link showing more incriminating evidence against Raffensperger and his buddy Gabe Sterling.
The Associated Press reports that Raffensperger is not even on the State Elections Board anymore, and the Board is investigating him. But he shouldn’t even be Secretary of State, either. To say nothing of plans to register illegal immigrants to vote – and Jim Hoft has an alert about that, too.
When Patriots get an intel read
Of those who run our social feed
And steal our votes for power greed,
To right this wrong with blinding speed
Trump himself? Not quite – or at least, not alone.
All politics is local. Rep. Thomas P. “Tip” O’Neill (D-Mass.), longtime Speaker of the House
In other words: you.That means implementing a variation on the Precinct Strategy. Know your County Supervisors/Commissioners/whatnot, or City Councillors. Run for those offices. Press an inquiry into what happens to your vote, not only within your unit but outside it. And keep pressing for French-style paper ballots with hand counting. Only that will solve the problem David Clements has highlighted.
Terry A. Hurlbut has been a student of politics, philosophy, and science for more than 35 years. He is a graduate of Yale College and has served as a physician-level laboratory administrator in a 250-bed community hospital. He also is a serious student of the Bible, is conversant in its two primary original languages, and has followed the creation-science movement closely since 1993.
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