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Pennsylvania’s Fake Moderates



Pennsylvania road map

Being a “purple state,” Pennsylvania has more than its share of Democrats who are self-described moderates. And, because they’re Democrats, many in the mainstream media make sure never to refer to them as “progressives” or “left wing” – let alone “extreme.”

If you vote left almost all the time, you are not a moderate

But, to paraphrase some old wisdom, if you vote with the left wing of your party almost all the time, and you allow left-wingers to control the legislative agenda, and you never criticize the radicals in your party, then guess what? You’re a left-wing politician.

I’m looking at you, Bob Casey, Chrissy Houlahan, Matt Cartwright, Susan Wild, and Chris DeLuzio. These Pennsylvania members of Congress typify the “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” They are left-wing politicians hiding behind “moderate” imagery. With their monotone rhetoric and generic-politician Facebook posts, a voter might never know these politicians have more in common with progressive activists than families at Chick-fil-A.

What comes to mind when you think of Sen. Casey? He’s from Scranton. Seems likes a regular guy – not like those “left-wing” or “progressive” politicians.

But Casey votes with Sen. Elizabeth Warren 93% of the time, according to vote tracking. I suspect that most Pennsylvanians (and most Massachusetts residents, too) would acknowledge that Warren is pretty far left. Did you know that his last job outside of government was when Bill Clinton was in the White House?


Often the Caseys of this world talk about being “independent” and “bipartisan,” about putting “us” first. Well, if you think that Casey is an “independent” voice, you might be surprised to learn that he supports President Biden’s policies 98.5% of the time, according to vote tracking.

Pennsylvania could do with fewer moderates like Bob Casey

When Casey was running for Senate in 2006, he criticized then-Sen. Rick Santorum for being too supportive of President George W. Bush. “When you have two politicians in Washington that agree 98% of the time,” Casey said, “one of them is really not necessary.”

What do you say to voters in 2024, Sen. Casey?

As for Casey’s Pennsylvania counterparts in the House, it’s more of the same, if not worse.

Chrissy Houlahan uses all the virtue-signaling words from the “hide the fact that you’re a left-wing politician” script. She talks about having worked in the private sector. Well, yes: she was part owner of a company whose products (sneakers) were made in a Chinese sweatshop.


She talks about being in the bipartisan “problem-solvers” caucus. Ask her to name a bipartisan policy she advanced that solved a problem for taxpayers. Go ahead, ask.

Yet, when you look at her actual voting record, Houlahan votes with Nancy Pelosi 94% of the time. And we all know that Pelosi embodies “moderation,” consensus-building, and bipartisanship, don’t we?

Well, certainly Houlahan’s “I worked in the private sector and belong to the problem-solvers caucus” must have an independent streak. She can’t be as breathlessly loyal to Biden as Casey is – can she? Yes, she can, and worse: 99.1% of the time.

Worse examples

It’s even worse for the fake moderate from the “purple” Lehigh Valley: while Susan Wild equals Houlahan’s support for Pelosi – 94% – she tops Houlahan when it comes to the Biden. Wild has never opposed POTUS – she has given him 100% support.

Matt Cartwright from blue-collar Scranton: you must be thinking, he can’t be like those others. True. He’s worse: 95% with Pelosi, and 100% with Biden.


And Western Pennsylvania’s freshman congressman, Chris Deluzio, comes in at 95% with Pelosi. Deluzio learned the “game” fast.

Each of these politicians – whether Casey or the members of the House – talk the moderate talk yet vote with the left wing. They never hesitate to use all the virtue-signaling words: “independent,” “working across the aisle,” “bipartisan.”

In the end, when the votes are taken, they side with the left, virtually every time.

In a sense, you can admire Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Nancy Pelosi, and AOC. They come right out and tell you that they put ideology first. That “socialism” isn’t a bad thing. That party loyalty is more important than consensus building – or solving problems.

Many of us have more contempt for the others. The “fake moderates.”


Pennsylvania, take heed: these do not belong to us

We see them on social media, at Chamber of Commerce events and ribbon-cuttings. Their press releases and social media postings are peppered with all the right words. They show up to all the “right” events.

They make us think that they’re “one of us.” Not like those left-wing, partisan politicians – and, please, nothing like those fanatical “ideologues” we see on social media or on “Meet the Press.”

Except they are. In fact, they’re worse.

They don’t have the courage of their convictions – either to admit to us that they are left-wing, or to stand up to their partisan pals.

Ask yourself: When the lockdowns were taking place, did any of these politicians speak out against them? When the De-Fund the Police rallies – and riots – were taking place, did they stand in support of cops, telling the rioters to stop?


Has Casey or any of them spoken out against their party and demanded that our border be secured (as some of their Democratic colleagues in Texas have done)?

Have they ever told the climate zealots that they’ve gone too far? That “banning fossil fuels” is dangerous – and stupid?

Have they demanded an end to men playing women’s sports in college?

Have they ever opposed any of the wasteful spending from Washington, DC?

Did they ever criticize Anthony Fauci?


Their collective silence on the rise of anti-Semitism has been deafening.

Bum’s rush

In short, can you think of one time that Bob Casey or any of these fake moderates opposed any of the extreme policies coming from their party?

Their silence – and their nearly 100% voting records of support for policies that have caused inflation, $4 gas, increased violent crime, and open borders should tell us all we need to know.

This article was originally published by RealClearPennsylvania and made available via RealClearWire.

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Senior Fellow at | + posts

Guy Ciarrocchi is a Senior Fellow with the Commonwealth Foundation.

Guy is a columnist for Broad+Liberty and RealClearPA, where he focuses on the politics of the suburbs. He is a frequent radio guest across Pennsylvania and in greater-Philadelphia with Chris Stigall, Rich Zeoli, Dom Giordano, and Dawn Stensland—and has been interviewed by, or written for, numerous national publications as well as television news programs and podcasts.

In 2022, Guy was the Republican nominee for the U.S. Congress in PA-6; falling short, but leading the ticket.

From 2014 to 2021, Guy served as the CEO of the Chester County Chamber of Business and Industry. He was a leader of the 2021 #VoteYES campaign—which regained our liberties by amending the Pennsylvania Constitution.

Guy, a graduate of Villanova Law School, has served as the chief of staff to former Lieutenant Governor Jim Cawley, former U.S. Representative Jim Gerlach, and former state Senator Melissa Hart. And the White House in 2005 appointed Guy to serve as the Regional Director of the U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development. Guy previously served as the Deputy Attorney General of Pennsylvania as a prosecutor specializing in appellate advocacy.

He is on the board of the Pennsylvania Coalition of Public Charter Schools(PCPCS) and previously served on the board of the REACH Alliance.

Since 2000, Guy has coached Softball. Guy and his wife, Chris, have three children and two rescue dogs and live in Paoli, Tredyffrin Township Chester County, where Guy served as an elected Township Supervisor.

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